Liturgy Alive Friday, 4th Week of Easter

Friday, April 20, 2018


In the synagogue Paul proclaims the risen Christ. That Christ is risen is not merely an important event of the past: it is, as Paul says, "a message of salvation meant for you. We have come here to tell you the good news." It is meant for us today.

What is our task and the mission of all Christians in the world today? To proclaim the good news that Christ is risen and alive among us. To do what Christ did. To be Christ to one another and to the world. For we are God's priestly people and missionary people.

We do not stand alone in this task. For the living Christ is with us today as our way, our truth and our life.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your Son Jesus Christ is to us
the way that leads to you and to one another,
the truth that is good news of love and hope,
the life which he sacrificed to give it.
Help us to show the way to him
and to go his way to one another,
to speak the truth that is encouraging and credible,
to give life by sharing happiness,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

Let us pray to our Father in heaven that Christ, who is our way, truth and life, may still be among us today and that we may become the way to him. We say: Stay with us, Lord.
- For the pope, bishops, priests, and all who have a ministry of service in the Church, that the truth may become visible in them because of the way they serve, we pray:
- For public officials, that they may prepare for the people the way to justice, peace and unity, we pray: 
- For the hungry and the lonely, for the poor and the little people, that we may restore their dignity and their hope in life, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
your Son Jesus showed us
that he is the way, the truth and the life
by giving himself for us all on the cross
and giving himself to us now.
May we learn from him
to give to one another
our time, our compassion, our service
and above all to give ourselves,
together with Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
he who sees Jesus, sees you.
May the people around us
see the Father in heaven and the Son
when we become to one another
the way to hope, justice and love,
the truth that uplifts and reassures,
the life that is not afraid
of committing ourselves
even when the cost is high.
May you thus become to all with and through Christ
the way, the truth and the life for ever. Amen.


Christ is the way, the truth, the life to us and to everyone. If he is indeed living among us, then we ought to be ourselves to one another and to the whole world the way, the truth and the life. May God bless us for this mission, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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