Liturgy Alive Thursday after Epiphany

Thursday, January 10, 2019


Speaking in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus says that God’s word is fulfilled today, that he proclaims and is the Good News of joy to everyone.
Similarly, Jesus proclaims to us today in our Eucharistic assemblies the good news of God’s liberating love, and he is himself that Good News, for he is present among us. This Eucharist is for us, here today, the moment of grace. The Spirit of Jesus rests on us now and gives us the capacity to speak and to be his message of hope, joy, and love to our neighbor.

Opening Prayer

Lord God, loving Father,
here in this Eucharistic assembly,
you let your Son speak to us today
his stirring words of hope and joy.
Pour out on us the Spirit of Jesus,
let him open us to the Word of your Son
and to his living presence,
that we too, may go out to our brothers and sisters
to speak to them his liberating word,
to be his healing presence,
and to be grace to all whom we encounter,
on account of your Son in our midst,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever.

Liturgy of the Word


– Lord, give courage and eloquence to all teachers in the Church, that they may help us understand your Word and proclaim it as Good News to all, we pray:
– Lord, open our eyes to the miseries of people; make us concerned about those imprisoned in their fears and in the grip of injustice. Help us to bring them liberation, we pray:
– Lord, make us receptive to your word. Free us from banality and fear, from our self-security and certainties. Let your words of freedom be fulfilled in us today, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Invisible God of people,
you let your Son ask of us today,
to make your gratuitous love visible
in a world filled with fear.
Give us Jesus to eat and to drink,
that we may overcome
the forces of evil in and around us.
Let his self-sacrificing love,
his gentleness and loyalty
become flesh and blood in us
and brighten this world,
because you loved us first
in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, loving Father,
this Eucharistic celebration has been for us,
a moment of grace.
We thank you for opening our eyes and ears
that we, in our turn,
may be to the deaf and the blind your message of joy.
We thank you for liberating us
to bring your freedom to those captive of their fears
and our own inhumanity.
All this you have made possible
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We will make the message of our Lord Jesus Christ Good News of hope and joy only if the Sprit of truth and love speaks in our words and if then, we commit ourselves to what we say, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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