Liturgy Alive Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
in the beginning there was the word
that you spoke
and everything was created
Fill us with a sense of admiration
for all the beautiful things you have made.
May we say with you:
“yes it is good” and all are very beautiful.
As people who are part of it,
may we respect your creation
and give you all thanks and praise,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

First Reading Introduction: God spoke, and it was done.
          God, the Creator. God, the Maker. God, the Poet. When with him, you look at his work, you have to say: yes, it is good, it is beautiful, it is imaginative, it is inventive, and it is creative. In Greek, a poet is literally a “maker,” someone who can really make things you cannot help but admire. This opening chapter of the Book of Genesis is a poem that tries to tell that God created everything, The number of days does not matter, except to say that he made everything and that he rested on the Seventh day, the Shabbat, with the implied lesson that his people too, would have to rest on the day of the Lord.

Gospel Introduction: As many as touched it were healed.
        In the New Testament, God’s Son is close to the people. They recognize the face of Jesus, run after him, and touch his clothes. They can now see and feel the nearness and humanity of God in Jesus Christ. 

General Intercessions

–    That the Church in its leaders and members may grow in love of nature and its Creator, admire more the work of God’s hands, and give him thanks and praise by respecting its harmony and letting it serve our happiness, we pray:
–    That governments make great efforts to make people stop the destruction or plunder of natural resources, like forests that are the pride and riches of many nations in the third world, for paying national debts or private gain, we pray:
–    That scientists and technologists may find ways to make deserts bloom again, to restore to the atmosphere the clean air which we can breathe, and to make our world a better place to live in, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Creative God,
you gave us the wheat to bear grains
and the vine to give us grapes,
and then you let us transform them
into tasty food and a drink of joy.
Let your Spirit sweep over them
and transform them into our food
and drink for life,
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let him also sweep over us
to cooperate with you
to make this earth productive and fertile.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God our Maker,
let us share a little bit
in your imagination and originality,
that we may create one another anew
in our mutual understanding
and our spirit of serving love,
that our earth may be a better place to live in
and a sign and token
of your home of unending love.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


What we are, our uniqueness and our power to love, come from God. May God give us eyes to admire him and a voice to thank him. May God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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