Liturgy Alive Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Opening Prayer

God, merciful Father,
you know what is in our hearts.
Whether our intentions are good or selfish,
we leave everything
to your compassionate judgment.
But this we ask of you:
Confirm us in the will
to serve you and our people
in loyalty and love
and for the rest, we are in your hands,
for you are our God and Father
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
When he sees life cut short by the will of people, the author of the book of Wisdom understands that the reward for fidelity does not always come during life. But human persons are imperishable. God will reward them after death. Death is already overcome by the way the faithful face it and so by their free act of accepting death, the just express their trust in God. They are in the hands of God.

Gospel Introduction

The words of Jesus in the gospel of today seem to be directed more to the Pharisees and scribes, who claimed to be servants of God, than to the apostles. They were self-assured servants; they computed their merits for what they had done for God and asserted their right to his rewards. Perhaps the apostles too were not always too modest in their claims as companions of Jesus. All should put their trust in God and leave everything to him. Not what we have done for God counts, but what he does for us in his mercy. We are in his hands.

General Intercessions

– Lord, let rewards and honors come to us as surprises, rather than as something we deserve, we pray:

– Lord, for us and all who are baptized, that we may follow Christ, your perfect servant, and that with him we may serve rather than demand to be served, we pray:

– That leaders in the Church and in the world may serve the interests of their people rather than their own, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
we have often been useless servants
who have not done what you expected of us.
And yet you invite us to your table
and serve us the best food and drink,
your Son Jesus Christ.
Make us trustworthy and loyal
like your faithful servant,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
without any merit on our part,
you have called us to be
your sons and daughters
through your loyal Son and servant Jesus Christ.
Give us the humble strength
not to consider this gift from you
as a title to privileges and awards
but a trust and a responsibility
to serve you in people
and to make your love known to all.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.


We should not boast to God of what we have done for him. Everything we could do was a gift from him. So let us thank God. May he bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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