Liturgy Alive Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


For Isaiah, the sign of the messianic times is that through the Messiah God will give to his people an abundance of food and drink. People long for life, and for peace. Prisoners want to be free, the blind wants to see, the hungry wants bread. But likewise, people hunger for consolation, friendship, forgiveness, understanding, acceptance, and justice. These desires are fulfilled when Jesus, the Messiah comes. He gives food to his hungry people. And we, his disciples, have to satisfy the hunger of God's people today. For he acts through us.

Opening Prayer

    God of all people,
    you know how people hunger and thirst
    for truth, love, and acceptance.
    If we accept you and believe in you,
    we see our deepest desires and aspirations
    being fulfilled by you
    as we work for the coming of your kingdom.
    Help us to let the cup that you pour for us
    overflow on all your people,
    that all may praise you,
    now and for ever.

General Intercessions

    - That people everywhere may have open eyes to see and alleviate the miseries and hungers of others, we pray:
    - That we may give not only bread or rice to the hungry, but love and justice, we pray:
    - That the Lord may help us look for the food that makes us richer persons, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    God of all people,
    Jesus is among us
    and he sets for us the bread and the wine
    of his total self-giving.
    May this holy meal fill us with his Spirit
    and make us people
    who live not for themselves
    but like Jesus, for others,
    even when the cost is high.
    May this be our offering to you
    through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    God, our Father,
    the Lord for whom we were waiting
    has been with us, Jesus, your Son.
    He has filled us with rich food
    and the joyful wine of himself.
    May he put us back on our feet,
    that strengthened by this food
    we may go out to the poor,
    the lame, and the weak
    to give them the food of our understanding,
    our compassion and our love,
    by the power of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


The sign that Jesus, the Messiah, is present among his people is that the hungry are fed. Among us today, do we feed them? Do we care for people and give them what they need? May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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