Liturgy Alive Tuesday After Epiphany

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Here comes the great theme of the apostle John, almost like an obsession, both in his letter and in the Gospel: God is the origin of all love. For he is love: a love that is giving, a love, as the Gospel shows, that is compassionate. Self-communication is the mark of love: within God, from God to people and the world. He gives us his Son, who showed in his person that to love is to give up oneself out of love. And, on the part of people, love means also to receive, to be willing to accept love as a pure gift, both from God and from one another.

Opening Prayer

Lord God, our Father,
you took the initiative of loving us
before we could ever love you,
for love is your name
and you are a God of people.
Help us to recognize that this love
became flesh in Jesus, your Son.
Let him stir and transform
the very depths of our hearts,
that we too, may offer to you and to people
all the love of which you have made us capable
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word


– For the Churches groping for unity, that one day they may eat together from the same table the one bread of the Lord, we pray:
– For all people of good will, that they may build up together a just society based on fairness and love where there is no room for any discrimination, we pray:
– For all of us here, that we may form a community of service, love, and hope, open to all needs and all just aspirations, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, loving Father,
in every Eucharistic celebration
you let us experience again and again
your self-giving love.
Accept in this bread and this wine
our own meager efforts
to become to others
bread broken and shared,
together with Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, our God and Father,
accept our thanks for loving us,
even before we could love you.
Prepare us not only to give love
but also to receive it
from you and from one another
in all simplicity and gratitude.
For this is the way you taught us
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We have broken bread with the Lord. This commits us to call on all human resources to share with those in need of food, justice, culture, and freedom. May God strengthen and bless you for this task, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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