Liturgy Alive Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday, March 16, 2020


Today’s liturgy thinks especially of converts who are baptized and immersed into the baptismal water. Are conversion and missionary action still valid? Why be concerned about unknown, distant peoples?—Elisha cured the pagan officer from Damascus, Syria, and the man found both healing and faith. Jesus, not accepted as a prophet in his own town, says that salvation will be offered to pagans. That doesn't mean that the missionary will not be always understood and welcomed in the missions...

Opening Prayer

Lord God, our Father,
you want all people to be saved
through faith in Jesus Christ, your Son.
May Christians not practice
spiritual selfishness and clannishness
but may their faith mean so much to them
that they want to share it with others,
that your Son may be known and loved everywhere,
for he is the Lord of all for ever.

General Intercessions

–    For those who are preparing for baptism, that the Word of God may become their guide in life and that baptism may renew them, we pray:
–    For the Christian community, that they may prepare a hearty welcome and support for the newly baptized, we pray:
–    For those who have joined us in the faith, that they may experience us as joyful, redeemed people who know how to love and to serve, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our God,
may we have enough faith
to welcome your Son among us
in these simple signs of bread and wine.
May we and people everywhere
accept that you come to us all
with a human approach
through the humanity of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, our God,
Father of all people everywhere,
strengthen with your word and your body and blood
all those who have left
their country and culture
to bring your Good News
to different countries and other cultures.
May they humbly serve their new people,
receive their love and gifts of mind and heart,
and help the local Church
to grow in Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord.


During Lent, we should also think of the converts who will be accepted into the Church through baptism, the great Lenten sacrament. It is not merely that individuals join us in the Church, but that the community of the Church must be ready to receive these people and to make them feel at home. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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