Liturgy Alive Friday, 10th Week in Ordinary Time

Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday, 10th Week in Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
the world speaks of death,
your death, the death of humans,
the death of myths and of the sacred.
Yet keep us faithful Lord,
to our mission of announcing life and hope.
Help us, sinful as we ourselves are,
to speak of your mercy.
Though we are neither saints nor heroes,
give us the courage to bear witness
to your steadfast loyalty,
together with him who was loyal to the end,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
     Paul experienced in the marrow of his bones the contradiction of the strength of God working in him, for the apostolate and his own human weakness. This is also the experience of the whole Church and each of us personally: it may be the experience of married people, of whom absolute fidelity is demanded even though they are weak. For we bear in us both the death and the resurrection of Christ. But God and the grace of Christ are always stronger than our weakness.

General Intercessions

– For the Church, God's pilgrim people, that its leaders and people may face the tensions of our time with courage, we pray:
– For our country, that we may continue without fear in bearing witness to the Gospel by working for justice and human dignity, we pray:
– For those who doubt their faith or themselves, that trust in God may restore their inner peace, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we pretend to be strong,
but we are but vessels of clay,
brittle and vulnerable.
Give us your Son, Jesus Christ,
and strengthen us with his Spirit,
that when we see no answer to our problems
we may never despair,
that when we are knocked down,
we may always stand up
and be raised with Jesus Christ,
who is our Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Our God and Father,
you have given us your Son
and you ask of us
to show to the world your face
and the true human face you showed us in Christ.
Forgive us Lord,
when we distort this face
or become no more than a coarse reflection of it.
Help us in our clumsy efforts
to be to the world the image
of him who shared our weakness,
Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives now with you for ever.


We often feel how weak we are, how we want to lead good and upright lives, and yet easily fail. But the Risen Lord is our strength, in him we trust, and with him we thank God for it. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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