Liturgy Alive Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

ST. AGATHA, Virgin and Martyr 
February 5


St. Agatha, “the good one,” patroness of Sicily, refused marriage to dedicate herself to her fellow Christians by doing diaconal work at a time of persecution, especially care of the sick and of the poor. She was denounced and tortured to death in 251, at the time of Emperor Decius. Threats and torture could not sway her.

Opening Prayer

Lord God,
your Son Jesus warned his followers
that for his sake they would be persecuted.
But he told us not to be afraid,
for he would let his Spirit 
put in our mouths what to say.
May we, like St. Agatha,
bear witness to our faith
with our whole being,
without hesitation or doubt or fear,
for you are with us through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our faithful God,
with bread and wine we celebrate
that we want to be faithful to you
as you are close and faithful to us
in the new covenant you have made with us
through your Son Jesus Christ.
Through him, give us, weak people,
the foolish wisdom and the strength
to give you honor and praise
now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
Jesus called us not only servants
but friends in whom he lives.
Like Saint Agatha, 
may we serve you in people,
especially in the sick and the poor,
for you have entrusted their care to us.
In them, let us grow closer to you
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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