Liturgy Alive Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your Son Jesus was the fulfillment
of the Law and the Prophets.
He knew and taught and lived
that the fulfillment of the Law and the promises
lies in the service of people and of you
in justice and love.
Let these too be the guides of our lives,
that with him we seek people
and above all the living person
of you, our God for ever and ever.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Paul warns his Romans that they may not conduct themselves like the pagans, whose scandalous behavior he has just denounced. But all are called to conversion, whether of pagan or Jewish origin. For God shows no partiality.

Gospel Introduction

It is surprising that Jesus could cure all ills - the blind, the deaf, lepers, yes, and also sinners aware of their failures. But he could not cure Pharisees and scribes from their "open-eyed" blindness. Jesus does perhaps not attack them so much for their literal observance of the last detail of the law but for getting so absorbed by the details of the law that they did not see the roots of all laws, justice and love. This is also the key teaching of Paul in his letter to the Galatians: not laws but the Spirit.

General Intercessions

- For missionaries and all who proclaim the faith, that their own lifestyle may be a strong argument to follow Christ, we pray:

- For all prophets in the Church, that their personal encounter with Christ may give them the power to speak for what is right and good, we pray:

- For us, that we may care little about outward display but for the things that matter: honesty, justice and love, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we offer you ourselves through these gifts
and ask you to send us
the Holy Spirit of you and your Son.
Let him change these offerings into Jesus
and let him guide our minds and hearts
to bear fruits of life: love, joy, peace and patience
and all that brings happiness to God's people.
May we thus live the life
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
your Son has spoken hard words today
not just to scribes and Pharisees of the past
but to us, your people today.
Let these words wake us up
from our self-complacency,
our peace with ourselves.
Keep us from deceiving ourselves
or wasting our time and effort
on things that do not matter;
make us absolutely sincere
with ourselves and with people
and honest to you, our God,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


We believe in Jesus Christ. We recognize him as our Lord and Savior. This commits us, then, to practice justice and love of God and neighbor. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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