Liturgy Alive Thursday, 2nd Week of Advent

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Thursday, 2nd Week Of Advent



    It is heartening to hear these days a strong and repeated message of encou-ragement. This is what we believe in if we trust in the nearness of God in his Son, Jesus Christ. When people are poor and afflicted, God is near as their Savior, that is, one who is bound to them with close bonds and who is bound to come to their assistance. The poor are those who trust in him. He promises them a new paradise. Even the least in his kingdom are greater than the greatest and last of the prophets, John the Baptist.

Opening Prayer

    Lord, our God,
    you do not abandon those who rely on you.
    Take us by the hand when we are afraid,
    help us when we call out to you,
    for we experience that we are powerless
    to establish your kingdom of justice and love.
    Send your Son again among us today
    to be our Lord and Savior,
    now and for ever.

General Intercessions

    - For the fainthearted, who think they are too small for God to notice them, that they may become aware that God, like a good father and mother, cares very much for them, we pray:
    - For the powerful and the rich, that they may be sensitive to the rights and the needs of the poor, we pray:
    - For prophets among us, that they may remind us that we have to speak out and stand up for the voiceless and the oppressed, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    Lord God, we bring before you
    these humble gifts of bread and wine.
    In these signs of sharing,
    may your Son become present among us
    and may he give us the courage
    to take your kingdom by storm,
    that we who are powerless and easily discouraged
    may commit ourselves with him,
    to bring hope to the poor.
    We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    Lord, our God and Father,
    we are the new people of your promises.
    May we be humble enough
    not to seek our selfish and obstinate ways
    but to be open to you and to trust in you.
    Remember that we are yours
    and that we are entitled to your help.
    For you love us in Jesus Christ, your Son,
    who is our Lord, now and for ever.


    To us, too, God speaks today: "I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand and I say to you, 'Do not fear, I will help you.'" May you be aware of God's care and may he bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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