Liturgy Alive Sixth Sunday of Easter -C-

Sunday, May 22, 2022



As the Spirit reminds us of Jesus' teaching,
may the love of the Father and the Son
and the peace of our risen Lord
be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

A. The Farewell Gifts of Jesus

Every now and then you hear about an old person, aware that death is not far away, giving advice to his or her daughters and sons: When I will be gone, do this and that for your own good and happiness. Jesus' parting words are also meant for us; they are a sort of testament. Jesus is saying that if we find that elusive true peace which he alone can give, we have to love him and the Father, and also one another. We have to keep listening to the Holy Spirit reminding us of Jesus and his teachings.

B. The Spirit Will Teach You

There are at times new problems we have to face in our personal life and in the life of the Church. How do we solve them? Jesus reminds us today that the Father will send the Holy Spirit to remind us of Jesus' teachings and to make us understand them. The Spirit will help us and the Church to see what is to be done in the light of our faith. We ask Jesus to give us this Spirit.

Penitential Act

Our peace is disturbed by our sins.
Let us seek the peace of the Lord's forgiveness.
Lord Jesus, you ask us to keep your word
and you assure us that you will live in us:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Jesus Christ, you promise us the Spirit,
who will remind us of your words and deeds:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you give us your peace,
the kind of peace the world cannot give us:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Have mercy on us, Lord,
and give us the peace of your pardon.
Let no fear trouble our hearts
and lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray
that the Spirit of Christ may guide us
Loving Father,
keep us faithful to the word of your Son.
Give us the Holy Spirit
to remind us of all Jesus has said to us
and done for us.
Let this Holy Spirit protect us
from all fear and cowardice
and give us the courage to build up the Church
in peace and with patient love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: The Liberating Spirit Opens The Church To All
      The Church does not belong to any partisan group. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the apostles decide collegially that the Church must be open to all.


Second Reading Introduction: The Church, Temple Of God's Presence
The apostle John describes the Church as a city wherein God dwells. It is founded on the apostles and is open to all.

Gospel Introduction: The Holy Spirit Will Teach Us

       We express our love for Jesus by living according to his Gospel. He stays with us through his Holy Spirit, who gives us an understanding of what the Gospel asks of us—and the strength to live accordingly.


General Intercessions

Inspired by the Spirit of the Lord, let us pray to the Lord Jesus that he may unite us and the world in his peace and love. Let us say: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
- That in the dissension and controversies in the Church of our day, Christians who communicate together may not excommunicate one another, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
- That we may have the courage to be faithful to the Second Vatican Council and be converted to its spirit, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
- That those who are troubled and afraid may find peace in the gospel of the Lord and become aware how near the Lord is, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
- That the Lord's disciples today may not extinguish the Spirit but learn to recognize him at work in the world and in the Church today, let us pray:R/ Lord, make your home with us.
- That our faith may be our peace, that the Lord's love may be our joy; that all our life may belong to him and that he make his home with us, let us pray: R/ Lord, make your home with us.
Stay with us, Lord, send us your Spirit and show us the Father; be our Lord for ever and ever. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Loving Father,
as we are gathered around these gifts,
the Holy Spirit reminds us of Jesus' words:
"Do this in memory of me."
Show us your love and come with your Son
to make your home in each of us
and in our communities.
Do not let us be troubled or afraid,
Give us your peace and let us share it
with a divided and suffering world.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

We can give thanks to the Father since Jesus our Lord is risen. He lives among us here and in his Church through the Holy Spirit to bring our thanks before the Father.

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

Through the Spirit of understanding and love
let us pray to our Father in heaven
the prayer of Jesus our Lord: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us, Lord, from our factions and division
and bring us together under the leadership
of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.
Let us share in the peace
of his caring and forgiving love
and save us from all anxiety,
for we are sure that he will bring us
to the source of living water,
for he is our Shepherd and Savior Jesus Christ:
R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, the Lamb of God,
who continues to live among his people.
He invites those who love him
to keep his word and to eat his body.
R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Our God and Father,
you and your Son Jesus make your home
with those who keep the word of Jesus.
He has spoken his word to us here
and we believe in it and love it
and will make it come true in our lives
by the power of the bread of life.
And should we forget it, let your Spirit remind us
and teach us to live by it with joy.
Let that word and your love bring us your peace.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen.


Jesus told us today:
"Those who love me will keep my word,"
that is, they will put my words into practice,
and will try their best to live as I lived.
May the Holy Spirit guide us
to help us live according to the Lord's gospel
and may almighty God bless you,
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.

Go in the peace of Christ
and live in his presence. R/ Thanks be to God.

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