Liturgy Alive 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, July 24, 2022


Those are sons and daughters of God
who are led by the Spirit of God.
We have received a Spirit
who makes us God's children
and who make us cry out: Father!
May this Spirit be always with you.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

A. Speaking To Our Father
The first lengthy prayer we learned as children, and the prayer we still pray most often, is probably the "Our Father." Is it more than a formula to us? Is it to us, as it was for Jesus, a word of warmth and tenderness, and a cry of trust and close relationship? With Jesus we stand here before our Father and with the Spirit in our hearts we call out: "Father, our Father!"

B. Put Your Life In Your Prayer
It would perhaps be much easier for us to pray if prayer would not be just a compartment in life, some moments we reserve for certain places and occasions and times of special needs. Prayer is less a way of obtaining favors from God than a way of expressing to our Father in heaven, to Jesus or to the Spirit our trust in God, speaking about our life, our difficulties and our joys, entrusting to God those who are dear to us in life or in death and even recommending to him those who cause us trouble. And remember, in praying we do not try to bend God to our will but we ask that we may do his will. How long ago have we prayed this way?

Penitential Act

"Forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive
each one who is in debt to us"
is our prayer today in the Eucharist.
Lord Jesus, you taught us
that God is our loving and forgiving Father
and that we can speak to him with all trust:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, you have brought us together
to give with you all thanks and praise
to our Father in heaven:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you brought us pardon
and you announce to us that the time has come
for peace and reconciliation with one another:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Have mercy on us, Lord,
and take all our sins away.
Make us messengers of your pardon and peace
and lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray in all simplicity to our heavenly Father
the way Jesus taught us
God our Father,
we too are asking your Son
to teach us how to pray
and he has told us to speak to you with all trust.
Make us bold enough to pray insistently to you
and to keep asking for what we need
until in your kindness you give it,
to keep seeking until we find.
Do not allow us to forget to pray also
for the needs of others
and first of all for the things that matter:
you and your will and your kingdom.
We ask you this in the name of Jesus our Lord. R/ Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: Insistent And Trusting Prayer
      At Abraham's insistent prayer, the just God is willing to spare cities of sin for the sake of a handful of good people.

Second Reading Introduction: Christ, Our Mediator
We have been saved by the prayer in action of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have become one with him in baptism.

Gospel Introduction: Children Speaking To Their Father
Before Jesus told his disciples how to pray and what to pray for, he revealed himself to them as a man of prayer.

General Intercessions

Let us pray to our Father in heaven with the complete trust that Jesus taught us and let us say: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
• Let us pray for the pope, for bishops, priests, religious, and all committed men and women, that they may pray for the People of God in spirit and in truth, and prove the sincerity of their prayer by what they say to the people and do for them, as we say: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
• Let us pray that we may learn to be constant in prayer, so that the source of our strength may never run dry and that we may live and work in the presence of God, as we say: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
• Let us pray for all Christians and all people, that prayer may not become to them a flight from life or from involvement with people in need, as we say: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
• Let us pray for all of us that we may not seek false security in piling up resounding words and that we may have the courage to face ourselves in all sincerity before God, as we pray: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
• And may we also learn from Christ to place first things first when we pray, to give priority to the things that really matter: the coming of God's kingdom and the good of the People of God, as we say: R/ Lord, hear our prayer.
Father in heaven, open our eyes and ears to you, to ourselves and to people, that we may know what to pray for and that we may be open to your answer to our prayer, even when it is different from what we expect. We ask this through Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Our Father in heaven,
you are always approachable and available,
and so we bring this bread and wine before you.
May this Eucharist and every prayer
be an occasion for us
to deepen our relationship with you,
to understand you better and to love you more,
to understand ourselves better
and to love people more,
through the prayers of Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

We often forget one form of prayer, perhaps the most important of all: namely, praise and thanks to God. In the Eucharistic Prayer we join Christ himself in praise of our Father.

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

With our Lord Jesus Christ
let us call God our Father
and ask from him all we need. R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from every evil
and grant us peace in our day.
Keep us free from sin
and protect us from fear,
from routine and discouragement
when we pray to you.
Help us to work in joy and hope
for your kingdom
and for the coming among us
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is the Lord who says to us:
Ask and you will receive;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and the door will be opened to you.
Happy are we to be invited
to the table of the Lord
and to receive him as our bread of life. 
R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Our Father in heaven,
we thank you for giving us your Son
in this Eucharistic celebration.
May we learn from him
not only to pray to you
but also to let our deeds match our words.
May our prayers prompt us
to commit ourselves more deeply
to bring forgiveness, justice, and love to all,
that people may praise your name
now and for ever. R/ Amen.


The Lord has spoken to us
his reassuring word:
Ask and you will receive.
The Father will give you what you need.
May Almighty God be always with you
and bless you with all good gifts:
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Let us go in all trust
in the peace and joy of the Lord. 
R/ Thanks be to God.

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