Liturgy Alive Tuesday, 23rd week in ordinary time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
your Son, Jesus Christ could build
firm foundations for your Church
on weak and fallible people.
Only he could do it; we would not dare.
We pray with your Son,
that our faith may remain unshaken
in your Church and those who lead it.
As they struggle and grope,
let your Holy Spirit fill them
with his wisdom and fire.
And lead us all forward in hope.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
If there are difficulties and dissensions in the community, these should be settled in the community itself rather than bringing them before a civil court, St. Paul tells the Corinthians. Shouldn't communities not be "one heart and one soul?"

Gospel Introduction
As in other very important occasions in his life, Jesus prays before selecting twelve apostles from among his disciples. For this is a very important moment. He will train them and then will take the risk of entrusting his own work to fallible people. He knows they will not always do the best they can, as they will have moments of fear, discouragement, cowardice and compromises. Still, he trusts them enough and will help them to bring his work to a good end in God's own good time. In this eucharist we express our trust in the Church of Jesus Christ.


General Intercessions

– For the pope, that he may lead the Church in faith, wisdom, and mercy, we pray:
– For our bishops united with the pope, that they may see and attend to the great needs of the Church in our day, we pray:
– For those who are afraid to answer the call of God to follow Christ and to serve the people of God, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
in the name of Jesus, your Son,
your ministers and people offer to you
the memorial of his death and resurrection.
Let us, sinful as we are, be your holy people,
that we may bear witness to your name
and be a believable sign to all,
that your Son lives
and that you are our mighty God and Father,
now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Holy God and Father,
to us, your people on the way,
you have let your Son speak 
his uplifting word
and give to us his food of strength.
Renew your Church in its leaders and members,
that we may live as we believe
and raise in our world a prophetic voice
that speaks with credibility
of justice, truth, and unity.
May thus the world believe in your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Jesus entrusts his own mission to weak and fallible human hands. "Entrusts," for he trusts them enough. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can do God's work. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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