Liturgy Alive St. Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr - Memorial

Thursday, November 17, 2022


ST. CECILIA, Virgin and Martyr
November 22


We know little more about this popular Roman saint than that she was the daughter of a rich pagan family. She had become a Christian. Her family tried in vain to marry her off to a young pagan. She said that "Christ was her bridegroom," according to the legend. And also, the rest is legend, that she sang to God at the day of her marriage to Christ. That made her the patroness of musicians.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
the celebration of St. Cecilia reminds us
that you want us to encounter your Son
as our companion in life and in death.
Keep us always awake and responsive to his love
which he offers us in this Eucharist,
in his forgiveness, in the events of life,
in the brothers and sisters he entrusts to us.
Let him be our peace in our tensions,
our joy even when we suffer,
our life and happiness beyond death.
Let him admit us to your lasting feast of joy,
for he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we, your people on the march,
bring before you this bread and this wine
as an offering and a prayer
that Jesus may go with us our weary way
and sustain us in faith and hope.
Let him fill each of our days
with deeds of goodness and wisdom,
May this meal of the Eucharist prepare us
to share in your feast that lasts for ever.

Prayer after Communion

God of our hope and joy,
we are sure that we have encountered your Son Jesus
in this Eucharistic celebration.
We have recognized his voice;
he has nourished us with the bread of himself.
Let Jesus himself be the lamp
that shines brightly on our life
and make us always hear his voice
crying out in our needy brothers and sisters,
that he may find us ready when he comes
to gather us into the feast of your kingdom
and to sing your praises for ever.

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