Liturgy Alive St Francis Xavier, Priest

Saturday, December 3, 2022




One of the original group of followers of Ignatius, Francis Xavier (1506-1552) became the first and perhaps the greatest missionary of the Jesuits. After sowing the seeds of the Gospel in many parts of Southeast Asia, he began the work of the evangelization in Japan, the fruits of which were so cruelly destroyed later. He died on the way to China.
It is good to remember today a person who took the word of Christ literally: Go out and preach the Gospel to the whole world.

Opening Prayer

    Lord God,
    the feast of St. Francis Xavier,
    patron saint of missionaries, prompts us to pray
    for all those who commit themselves
    to sow the seeds of your Good News
    all over the world:
    Give us many of these dedicated men and women
    and make them not only people
    who zealously proclaim your word
    not only by what they say
    but especially by the way they live it.
    We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

    Lord God,
    you have enriched our lives
    with the message and the very life
    of your Son, Jesus Christ.
    May we show our loving gratitude
    by doing all we can to share these gifts
    with people far and near,
    that one day we may all sit together
    at the same table of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    Our God and Father,
    in this Eucharistic celebration
    you have let us enjoy the light
    of the word of Jesus, your Son.
    May people from all cultures
    live one day in this light
    and become aware that they are all
    your sons and daughters
    whom you love in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

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