Liturgy Alive Weekday before Epiphany

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Introduction by the Celebrant

The message of today speaks in two different senses of being God's sons and daughters. There is first Christ, the Son of God in a deeper way than one said to be beloved by God. John recognizes him as God's own Son, with a human and divine personality. He is sent among people by the Father as the One who will save us by his sufferings, as the Lamb, as the suffering servant.
On account of him, we are born of God, we are God's sons and daughters, as John will say in his letter. However banal our existence may look, there is this astonishing truth: we are God's children. This is not merely a beautiful word; it's a deep reality. This dignity gives us the responsibility to grow, to give up sin, to mature to the full personhood of Christ, for that is what children are supposed to do.

Opening Prayer

Lord God, Father of Jesus Christ,
in your only Son you have made us
your sons and daughters,
who are born of you and live your life.
Help us to seek your will always
and to grow in your love,
towards that freedom and maturity
to which you have called us
in Jesus Christ, your Son and our Lord,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

Liturgy of the Word

General Intercessions

– That more and more people all over the world may know that they are children of God, of a God who loves them tenderly as a father and a mother, we pray:
– That however different we are in many ways, we may come to accept, appreciate, and love one another as brothers and sisters, we pray:
– That God may recreate us anew every day in the image of his Son and let us grow up more and more in the likeness of Jesus, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, our Father,
these gifts of bread and wine,
coming from your hands,
are also the fruit of our toil.
We bring them before you
as the signs of our goodwill
to continue the struggle
against the forces of evil
in us and around us.
In the storms and trials of life,
help us to overcome sin,
that you may reveal to us the glory, 
which you have prepared for us
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, our Father,
you have visited your sons and daughters
through our brother Jesus Christ.
Help us to live together
as a community of friendship, sharing, and peace,
that we may bear witness
that you are our God and we your people,
through our brother and Lord, Jesus Christ. R/ Amen.


Children of God, that is indeed what we are. May the thought of this reality fill us with a sense of admiration, gratitude, and security. May Almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
R/ Thanks be to God.

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