Liturgy Alive Weekday before Epiphany

Thursday, January 5, 2023


Introduction by the Celebrant

Today, we hear Jesus call several of his apostles: "Come, follow me," he says, and they follow him. They recognize him as their Savior, the Son of God. From now on they will not only have to accept his word but also to live as he lived.
This is why the reading from John's letter fits in very well: the life of the Christian must be marked by love, for Jesus gave his life for us. Love is not a theory or a mere sentiment but an experience of commitment.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
when we do not know what to do or how to live,
you refer us to the living example
of Jesus, your Son.
Help us to learn from him,
not in theory but in practice,
what it means to love.
Give us the courage to follow him
by opening with him our hearts
to our brothers and sisters
and in giving ourselves to them in life and in death
by the strength of Jesus Christ,
your Son and our Lord for ever.

General Intercessions

– Lord, you have seen us in our struggles, in our plodding attempts to follow you. Keep us in your love, we pray: 
– Lord, you have seen how we are often blind to the needs of the poor and the downtrodden. Open our eyes and hearts, we pray:
– Lord, you know how often words of love are on our lips. Help us to make them come true in our actions, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, loving Father,
you share with us these gifts of bread and wine
and in them you will give us
your Son, Jesus Christ.
May we learn from you and your Son
to share what we have
with people in need
and with our gifts our very selves.
May our love be not just empty words
but something real and active,
on account of Jesus Christ, our Lord. R/ Amen.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God, loving Father,
in this Eucharistic celebration
we have encountered your Son
as our Lord and Savior.
He has seen us and he loves us.
May we live as we believe,
that there be no deceit in us,
but that we follow your Son
on the road of self-giving love,
for he is our Lord for ever. R/ Amen.


The Lord sees us where we are and as we are, people mostly full of good will but full of limitations. He sees us, not to police us but to love us. May Almighty God bless us, the Farther, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Thanks be to God.

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