Liturgy Alive Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Opening Prayer

Lord God, compassionate Father,
every day we meet people who suffer,
who have been tried hard in life,
who have encountered evil and pain.
What shall we say to them?
Let us like Jesus, try to understand the pains
of our neighbor in need,
feel with them, and be reliable friends,
perhaps in respectful silence,
on account of him who suffered our pains
and shared in our ills,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

.General Intercessions

–    For all who preach the Gospel, that they may speak the Good News of Christ in the light of the people’s everyday life and needs, we pray:
–    For all who care for the sick, that they may never tire of treating them with personal attention and infinite respect, as they would do for the Lord himself, we pray:
–    For our Christian communities, that we may be of one heart and soul and not to allow any among us to be in need, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
in these signs of bread and wine,
you let again come among us
him who is compassionate and reliable
because he shared in our death and pain,
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Let every bit of anguish and grief
bring us to a deeper understanding of ourselves,
of life and of our neighbor
and help us to be closer to your Son,
who is our Lord, for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

God, our Father,
we have a friend and brother
who has been tried and tested
as we are, put to the test at times.
He has been here with us;
we have taken part in his sacrifice.
Give us now his Spirit of strength
to stand firm in our trials,
to grow through them as human beings and Christians,
and to stand by the side of those
who are submerged in suffering.
May this be our way of sharing in everyday life
in the sacrifice of your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Who can understand better our pain and suffering than the Son of God, who went through our temptations, our suffering, our death for our sake. He knows and stands by our side in our difficult moments. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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