Liturgy Alive Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Opening Prayer

Almighty Father,
often we hunger for power
when we don’t have it,
we ask for more when we possess it,
and then we don’t know how to use it well.
Help us always to accept the power
of our influence, our potentials, and talents
as gifts coming from your hands
and to use them for the good of others,
to heal and to forgive,
to bring life and to build up,
as Jesus did, your Son,
who lives with you for ever.

First Reading Introduction: Let us persevere in running the race that lies before us.
          The letter to the Hebrews ends in two chapters asking its readers, as they suffer for their faith, to persevere. They should keep their faith and be inspired by the great believers who came before them and especially by Christ.


Gospel Introduction: Little girl, I say to you, arise!
        Jesus uses his power to do good and to give an object lesson on faith to his disciples and to the people. It is a power that gives health and life. When the woman touches Jesus with a sort of magic belief in his power, he insists on faith; so he does when, as a sign of his own resurrection, he brings Jairus’ daughter back to life. Should power in us not mean also a power that lifts up, a power of resurrection?


General Intercessions

–    That the Church may continue with compassion Jesus’ healing ministry, that the sick may be comforted, the downtrodden set free, and the poor and the weak protected, we pray:
–    That in this world of hunger for food and spiritual values, affluent Churches and nations may share generously with those who have less, we pray:
–    That doctors and nurses and all others who care for the ill and the handicapped may have a great respect for life and be inspired in their task by the love of Christ, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, almighty Father
fill the gifts we bring before you
with the power of your Holy Spirit,
that they may become for us
the bread of resurrection and life
of Jesus Christ, your Son.
Through this Eucharist,
change us into people of hope and joy
who go together the way of life
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, almighty Father,
you have given us the body and blood of your Son
as a source of life-giving power.
Do not allow us to leave it idle,
but help us to use it as a force
to uplift the people around us
and to build together a world
of reconciliation, justice, and love.
May, thus, the resurrection of Jesus
work among us already now,
until you raise us up on the last day
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


“Power had gone out from him,” says the Gospel today of Jesus. It was a power that healed and brought back to life. If we have power, may we use it always to raise people up, never to put them down. And may Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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