Liturgy Alive Wednesday, Octave of Easter

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


General Intercessions

- Risen Lord, journey with your Church when it is persecuted or struggling with hardships that threaten its unity, we pray:
- Risen Lord, journey with your communities when they are beset by strife, injustices and loss of fervor, we pray:
- Risen Lord, keep walking with us when we are confused, in doubt, or slow to understand you, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God of light and life,
we are dull of heart and slow to understand
how your Son journeys with us
every moment of life.
Help us to recognize his presence
in these humble signs of bread and wine
and let him put fire in our hearts
when we hear his word
and become aware of his nearness
in this eucharist, in the events of life,
and in the people around us.
For he is our risen Lord for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
we have heard your Son's words
that question our apathy and gloom
and he has stirred our hearts.
We sat at table with him
and he broke for us the bread of himself.
Send us out now to our brothers and sisters
to bring them the good news
that your Son is risen and alive
and that now we can go with one another
his journey of life and hope.
We ask you this in the name of Jesus the Lord,
who lives with you and stays with us
now and for ever.


Would that we could also say with the disciples of Emmaus: Were not our hearts burning within us, when Jesus was walking with us on the road and speaking his good news to us? May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


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