Liturgy Alive Saturday, Octave of Easter

Saturday, April 15, 2023



If we have really encountered the risen Lord in faith, nothing can stop us from proclaiming him and his good news. But stronger and more convincing than whatever we say will be the language of our attitudes and actions. As this was the experience of the apostles, it should also be ours. We live the same life as other people, do the same things, but should do them in a different way if we have really met Christ.

Opening Prayer

Our God and Father,
your Son Jesus lived among us,
flesh of our flesh, blood of our blood.
He died for our sake
and you raised him back to life.
May we experience his love and his presence
to such an extent
that we can never stop proclaiming 
what we have seen and heard,
and that people may give glory to you, our God.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.


General Intercessions

- That the Church may never hesitate to proclaim to the world truths and lifestyles that are not pleasant for the world to hear, we pray:
- That missionaries and, in fact, all Christians by their lifestyle keep proclaiming that Christ is alive and relevant, we pray:
- That we may never get tired of living the risen life of the Lord and keep the enthusiasm of a deep faith and attachment to Jesus, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
accept this bread and this wine
and let your Son be alive among us
in these signs.
May he give us a bit of his own strength
to keep us on our feet in the storms of life,
to live in the joy of people who are redeemed,
for the Lord is alive
and we are alive on account of him,
now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son has chosen us
to be his companions.
May people recognize him in us
and may they accept him 
when what we do convinces them
that he is with us and that you are our God
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and for ever.


This whole week after Easter has steeped us in faith in the risen Lord. May this faith indeed be the core of our belief and of our life. The Lord is risen. We rise with him even now, little by little, to a new and more beautiful life in Christ. Stay in that certainty and joy, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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