Liturgy Alive 3rd Sunday of Easter

Sunday, April 23, 2023


We have been set free
in the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
God raised him from the dead
and through him we have faith and hope.
May Jesus the Lord be always with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant (Two Options)

A.  On The Road To Emmaus
Too often we think we are all alone on the rocky road of life, with our struggles and discouragement but also our joys and happiness to share. Does the Lord know? Is he there? Our Christian faith and sensitivity, as known already from the earliest times of the Church, assure us that he is present and that he walks with us the sometimes rocky road of life. He speaks to us his Word of life in the Scriptures proclaimed to us every Sunday. He is indeed our companion in life, that is, literally, he who breaks his bread for us, as he did for his disciples at the Last Supper and on the pilgrim road of Emmaus.

B.   Journeying With The Lord
When we are sad as we travel, or bored or discouraged or all alone, the journey seems to last much longer. But let someone join us on the road, a friend or even a stranger who gives us courage and joy again, the journey becomes lighter and interesting and our hearts are lifted up. The road of life is like this. At times it is hard and tiring, but it becomes easy and joyful when we know that the Lord journeys with us and warms our hearts. Today and every day Jesus wants to be our companion on the road of life.

Penitential Act

We are often too full of ourselves and our cares
to recognize the Lord among us.
Let us ask the Lord to forgive us.
Lord Jesus, you are one of us;
you walk with us on the road of life:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Jesus Christ, you speak to us
your Good News that clarifies
our joys and our pains and our life:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you break for us
your tasty, life-giving bread:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.
Have mercy on us, Lord,
and forgive us all our sins.
Make us aware how much you are with us
and be our companion to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray
that Jesus may be our companion
on the road of life
God our Father,
our road in life is often tiresome
for it is the road of pilgrims.
Give us Jesus your Son
as our companion who journeys with us
and who warms our hearts with love and joy.
Let him keep breaking for us
the bread of himself that gives us courage.
Open our eyes to recognize him
in our downhearted and suffering brothers and sisters,
that they may see in us
something of our faith that our Lord is risen
and that he lives for ever and ever. R/ Amen.


First Reading Introduction: The Lord Is Risen and Alive!
          Filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter proclaims on Pentecost the core of the Christian message: Christ was put to death, but he is alive as our Risen Lord. This is the foundation of our faith. This is why he can be with us now.

Second Reading Introduction: The Risen Lord Is The Foundation Of Our Hope
          Peter encourages the faithful: God is our Father; he sent his Son to save us by his death and resurrection. This is the meaning of our lives; this is the foundation of our faith and hope.

Gospel Introduction: They Recognized Him At The Breaking Of Bread
        Luke uses the occasion of the discouragement of two disciples and their encounter with Christ to tell us this: the Risen Lord lives on among his faithful by the words he speaks to us and in the Eucharist.

General Intercessions

Let us pray to Jesus, our brother, that we may be more aware how much he walks with us on the road of life, and let us say: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
•    Lord Jesus, journey with your Church on the roads of peace and love that leads us to one another and to our destiny of lasting joy, we pray: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
•    Lord Jesus, journey with the Churches that claim you as their Lord; Lead them to one another that you may be their one Lord and shepherd, we pray: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
•    Lord Jesus, journey with our country. Inspire our leaders with your Spirit that they may be people of integrity who care about their people and their needs, we pray: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
•    Lord Jesus, journey with all who suffer. Lighten their burdens and pains, for you experienced how heavy a cross can be, and help us to lift up people from their miseries, we pray: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
•    Lord Jesus, journey with our communities, that we may accept and love one another so that it becomes evident to all that you live among us, we pray: R/ Lord Jesus, journey with us.
Thank you, Lord, for staying with us. Warm the hearts of all of us with your kind words and your lasting friendship, for you are our Lord for ever. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God, loving Father,
here are bread and wine,
simple signs in which your Son walks with us
on the dusty road of life.
Let him set our hearts afire
when he shares himself with us
and speaks to us words
that make life worth living.
Let him be our food on the road to you
and on the road to people,
for we believe that he is our Risen Lord
who stays with us now and for ever. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

The deepest way in which we can now encounter Jesus our Lord is in the signs of bread and wine of the Eucharistic celebration. There he is our food for the road. With joy we give thanks to the Father.

Introduction to the Lord’s Prayer

With Jesus, we pray to God our Father
to give us not only our daily food
but the bread of the Eucharist.

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from every evil
and give us always the peace and joy
of your presence among us.
Keep us free from doubt and discouragement
and let your Son walk by our side
that together with him,
we may build up among us
his new world of friendship and hope,
and so prepare the coming in glory
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, our Risen Lord.
We cannot see him with our eyes
but we believe that he is alive
and present among us in the Eucharist.
Happy are we to receive him
and to grow through him in faith and love.

Prayer after Communion

Our living God,
Your Son Jesus has spoken to us
warm words of encouragement and hope.
At his table he has nourished us
with the fresh bread of himself
to sustain us on our pilgrim way
to you and to one another.
Let the food of his word and body
keep us united in one faith,
one love, one common concern
for all that is right and good.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.


We have encountered our Risen Lord:
he spoke to us his Word of life
and broke his bread for us.
May we speak to one another
his word that sets hearts afire with hope.
May we be his bread that nourishes
everyone around us.
Take with you the blessings of Almighty God:
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Go in peace
to love and serve the Lord in one another.
R/ Thanks be to God.

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