Liturgy Alive Wednesday of the 6th Week of Easter

Wednesday, May 17, 2023



The apostles should not be sad because Jesus leaves them. Their faith will become deeper and more spiritual when Jesus is no longer physically present. The Holy Spirit of truth will continue with them the mission of Jesus. This Spirit of truth will give them no new message, but he will guide the apostles and the Church to deepen their understanding of the life and the message of Jesus and to confront these constantly with the events and problems of the times and thus lead the Church forward.

St Paul in Athens gives us an example of an apostle and missionary who tries to take the pagan religion of the Athenians as a starting point and to spiritualize it by stripping it from materialism and formalism.

Opening Prayer

Lord God, our Father,
you are not far away from any of us,
for in you we live and move and exist
and you live in us
through your Holy Spirit.
Be indeed with us, Lord,
send us your Holy Spirit of truth
and through him deepen our understanding
of the life and message of your Son,
that we may accept the full truth
and live by it consistently.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

- Lord Jesus, when we lack words to speak to the Father, let the Holy Spirit put the right prayers in our hearts and on our lips, we pray:
- Lord Jesus, that men and women in our media may listen to the Holy Spirit to tell the full and whole truth, we pray:
- Lord Jesus, that the Holy Spirit may inspire artists to make us admire the greatness of God's creation, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, Lord of heaven and earth,
you give us life and breath
and have made us your sons and daughters
through our brother Jesus Christ.
Give your Son to us now in this eucharist.
Through him and his Spirit
make your home among us, your people,
and mold us into a community of faith and love,
that we may build up your kingdom
and praise you for ever and ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have reassured us again
in this eucharistic celebration
that you are with us
through your Son Jesus Christ.
May his Spirit of truth guide us
to face the truth in all its consequences -
the truth about your Son and his gospel,
that we may live his life more deeply,
and the truth about ourselves
that we are but pale images and poor witnesses
of him who is our Lord for ever.


May the Spirit of truth come and guide us to all truth, about ourselves, in our mutual relations, concerning what is going on in our world. May God give our world this Spirit and bless us, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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