Liturgy Alive Saturday, June 10, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Opening Prayer

God with the heart of a father and a mother,
you care for the poor,
give justice to the oppressed
and food for the hungry.
In your Son Jesus, you have shown us
not to give only from our surplus but ourselves.
Confound our calculations
and change our self-interest
into generous sharing,
that our way of giving may be like yours,
by not counting the cost.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
     When Tobias thanks the angel Raphael and wants to remunerate him, the angel reveals that all the good things that happened to both the old and the young Tobias and their family came from God. They should thank God himself.

Gospel Introduction

      Jesus, who lived in the hands of the Father, points out to his disciples how much a poor widow was living in the hands of God, so much so that she put in the treasury for the worship in the temple, coins she even needed for her own living. What a trust and generosity!

General Intercessions

– Lord, we pray you for your Church. Preserve it from the temptation of riches and power, we pray:
– Lord, we pray you for widows and orphans. Keep them from despair and make us attentive to their need of compassion and loving help, we pray:
– Lord, we pray you for this community. Make us generous enough to share not only from our abundance, but also at times from our poverty, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Loving, generous God,
in these signs of bread and wine,
we celebrate how Jesus, your Son,
gave himself once and for all
that we might live and love and be free.
May we learn from him
to ask not how much we can afford
without hurting ourselves
but to let him be our strength
to give the best of ourselves
and to answer his voice
crying out in everyone in need.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Generous and loving God,
your Son came to fill with your gifts
the poor aware of their emptiness
and he called them blessed.
Help us to discover how poor we really are—
poor in faith, in trust, in generous love.
Be near to us in your Son,
that we may become available to all
and share the best that is in us
without any outward display
but in quiet deeds of love and service,
as Jesus did, your Son,
who lives with you and with us for ever.


Jesus gave all that he had and was—his whole self, to bring others life and happiness. Like him, let us not count the cost of our gifts. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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