Liturgy Alive Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Opening Prayer

Father in heaven, God of love,
in your Son, Jesus Christ,
you have shown us your tenderness
and accepted us, sinful people,
as your sons and daughters.
Share your heart with us,
make us merciful and understanding people,
that we may learn from the way you have treated us
to accept everyone without conditions,
to forget and forgive all hurts,
so that we can become more like you.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
     Paul tells us today that churches that are better off must help those that are poorer. Here he applies this when he asks the Church of Corinth, a church of pagan origin, to help the impoverished poorer church of Jerusalem.

Gospel Reading Introduction

     Jesus concludes part of his Sermon on the Mount with the words "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect." A goal not easy to attain! Our love must go out to everyone; it must include even our enemies and must imitate God's love, who lets his sun shine on good and bad alike.


General Intercessions

– Lord, let your Spirit give us the courage to pray for those who hate or harm us, and to do good to them, we pray:
– Lord, change the hearts of those who cannot forgive or refuse to do so, and remind them how you have forgiven them, we pray:
– Lord, that those in charge of charitable organizations and works may be honest in administering what has been entrusted to them, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Heavenly Father,
these are the gifts of peace
we bring before you
to celebrate the feast of love of your Son.
Help us to discover with him
the best that is in each of us
and to create one another anew
with the same liberating and forgiving love
that you have shown us
in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Father in heaven,
we have celebrated with your Son
the sacrifice that has brought us peace.
By his words and his life, he has taught us
to forgive one another wholeheartedly.
Let his Spirit dwell in us,
that our pardon may be without regret
and that we may go with one another
much farther than we are asked
on the way to each other and to you,
our holy God, now and for ever.


"Love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute you." Difficult to do, very difficult. But that's what Jesus did. Is it impossible for us? May God give you courage and bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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