Liturgy Alive Friday, July 7, 2023

Friday, July 7, 2023

Opening Prayer

God of mercy,
you put the self-righteous to shame
and you call sinners to the task
of bringing your Son's salvation to the world.
Forgive us our pride and reassure us
that we can count on you and your love
because we are weak and sinful people.
Let us share in your life
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      In line with the promise made by God to give the "Promised Land," to his descendants, Abraham seeks a wife for his son Isaac from his own relatives, but without letting Isaac live in their pagan environment. For to keep his religion pure, Isaac cannot take a Canaanite wife. God is shown here as the God of history.

Gospel Reading Introduction

     The Gospel, which Jesus preaches and lives, is not a religion based on the self-righteousness of people but a religion of love and mercy based on God's pure generosity. This makes it possible for a typical sinner—an exploiter and a traitor to his people to boot—to be called to be an apostle. And Christ sits at table with sinners—with Levi-Matthew and his friends, with us now "so that sins may be forgiven."

General Intercessions

– For the Church, a community of saints and sinners, that we, the People of God and our leaders, may not condemn those who fail but with God give them new chances in life, we pray:
– For people who have failed and no longer believe in themselves, in God or in the community, that they may draw new courage and hope from our compassion and understanding, we pray:
– For priests and religious, that they may keep trusting in the Lord who called them notwithstanding their human frailty; that with Christ they may care especially for the poor and the weak, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, merciful Father,
your Son, Jesus Christ,
was eating with tax collectors and sinners
because they needed him.
We bring this bread and wine before you,
that he may sit at table with us
because we too, need him.
Accept his sacrifice and ours
so that sins may be forgiven
and that we may live in your love,
now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God, merciful Father,
through your Son in our midst,
help us to be mild and compassionate
without condemning anyone,
for you have been gentle to us.
And do not let us boast
of our human achievements,
for we owe everything
to your grace and your call
in Jesus Christ, our Lord.


"I desire mercy, not sacrifice. I have come to call not the righteous but sinners." Let these words change our attitude towards people and also ourselves. Let these words make us understanding and mild to everyone, with the blessing of Almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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