Liturgy Alive Wednesday 14th Week in Ordinary Time Year 1

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you let your Son Jesus, entrust
his Good News of healing and liberation
to simple and weak people.
Make us much more aware Lord,
that the Good News of the kingdom
is fundamentally human,
accessible and easy to understand.
Let this Good News grow in us
and transform us deeply
and fill us with the healing love
of Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: Alas, we are being punished because of our brother.
           Driven by famine, the brothers of Joseph go to Egypt to buy food. Without knowing it, they meet Joseph, now ranking right after Pharaoh in the country.

Gospel Reading Introduction: Go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

           Jesus sends out his apostles as healers of the ills of people so that the new era of the kingdom of God can begin. They and we too, have to be healers in a world that is harsh and pitiless and much in need of healing. Let the forgiveness and compassionate love we receive from God renew this world and make it God’s world and kingdom.

General Intercessions

–    That our commitment to the work of justice and our sense of service may bear witness that the kingdom of God is alive among us, we pray:
–    That the Lord may call many priests, religious and committed laypersons to announce the Good News to the world, we pray:
–    That in our Christian communities we may receive and live the Word of God with open hearts and great zeal, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Our loving God,
you have given us without charge
this bread and wine.
Turn them by the power of the Holy Spirit
into your best free gift to us,
your Son, Jesus Christ.
Dispose us to keep him not to ourselves
but to share him with all those around us
without any other preference than that of Jesus:
the poor, the needy, and the little people.
May this be the sign that we are your people,
that your kingdom is growing among us
and that you are our God, now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
again we ask of you to make us more
your people of the covenant.
Through Jesus, your Son-with-us, make us all one,
praying and working together
to build up your kingdom among people.
Let none of us be an uncommitted spectator
but make each of us fully aware
that, weak and fallible as we are,
you need us and want us to be a holy people,
the sign to all of your lasting goodness.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.


God sends us to be healers and to proclaim with our lives that the kingdom of heaven is here and growing in our world. May Almighty God bless you for this task, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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