Liturgy Alive Weekday in Ordinary Time

Friday, July 28, 2023

STS. JOACHIM AND ANNE, Parents of Mary
July 26


We know nothing more about the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary than that the Protevangelium of James, (an apocryphal infancy gospel from the third century), gives them the names Joachim and Anne. Their feast comes from Oriental rites, in which parents are often honored with their children when these become famous.
In any case, the liturgy reminds us that people are often instrumental in bringing us God's salvation.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
there were many deeply believing
and simple, poor people 
waiting for the coming of the Messiah.
We thank your for these believers
and we ask you today
at this celebration of the parents of Mary
that we may be longing for a deeper coming
of your Son Jesus Christ among us
May many more accept him
as their Savior and their Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we are ready to listen and accept
the secrets of the kingdom of heaven.
We bring before you 
these simple offerings of bread and wine
Let them express that we want
to be open to your secrets with unsophisticated hearts,
For you reveal yourself
to those who listen with their hearts.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion



Lord our God,
make us attentive to the words
which Jesus has spoken to us at his table
and keep stirring in us the love he has shown us.
Let our faith be more than formulas
that do not change our life in any way.
Make the story of our life speak to those around us
that we have understood how much you care
and that we may respond to you
with all that is in us.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

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