Liturgy Alive Wednesday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday, 19th Week in Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer

    God of mercy and compassion,
    your Son Jesus Christ has brought us together
    as a community of sinners
    that knows that you have pardoned us.
    When our weaknesses threaten our unity,
    remind us of our responsibility for one another.
    Let your unifying Spirit give us the strength
    to care for one another
    and to do all we can to remain
    a living, forgiving and welcoming community
    where we keep meeting in the name of Jesus,
    our Lord, now and for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

Introduction to the First Reading
       God shows to Moses the land he had promised to his people. They will enter and occupy it under the leadership of Joshua.

Introduction to Gospel Reading
      What if my brother or sister goes astray? One of the most difficult and delicate tasks is to bring a brother or sister back when he or she errs. It is a duty, but one that requires courage and at the same time much tact, the right moment and the right disposition on both sides. It is my concern, because he or she is my brother or sister, vulnerable as I am, and wounded.

General Intercessions

    - For all those God has entrusted to one another: our Christian families, our towns and cities, people who work together, and all our communities, that love may inspire us to deal with one another with frankful tact and respect, we pray:

    - For all of us, that we may believe in the goodness of each person and be patient with one another, we pray:

    - For our communities, that we may often pray together in the name of Jesus for the needs of the world and the Church, for Christ assures us that our prayer will be heard, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

    God our Father,
    you bring together at the table of your Son
    the weak with the strong, the sick with the healthy.
    Let your Son fill us here
    with the fullness of his presence
    that we may accept one another
    to live with one another in peace and friendship.
    We offer you our good will
    and ask you for the strength
    to welcome each other in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

    God our Father,
    your Son Jesus has been in our midst
    and he has strengthened us with his body and blood.
    He made our wounds of sin his wounds and healed them.
    Let the wounds of our brothers and sisters
    become ours, their joys our happiness.
    Let your Son teach us the art
    of bringing those who err back to you
    and into our communities
    without embittering or humiliating them,
    without any feeling of superiority,
    but simply because they are our brothers and sisters
    in Jesus Christ our Lord.


    We know we are responsible for one another. Our community should be a place where we can speak freely to one another and help those in trouble to keep them in the community or to win them back. May God give you this openness and courage, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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