Liturgy Alive Saturday, September 2, 2023

Saturday, September 2, 2023


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you entrust to us your life and love
as a tremendous capital of potentials
to bear interest in the service
of your plans and your kingdom.
Do not allow us to dig a hole in the ground
to bury ourselves with our talents.
Make us go out to take the risk
of investing ourselves in people
and in the growth of your kingdom of love and justice,
by the strength of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Paul gives his Thessalonians two recommendation to promote mutual love: work for your livelihood and do not overdepend on others. Then, remain calm, wait for the Lord's coming in faith and hope, without fear.

Gospel Reading Introduction

In today's parable of the talents, Jesus speaks of what we do for the kingdom of God with the gifts we have received from him. For the kingdom, that means, to animate the Church and the world with a faith, a hope, a love that transform us, the Church and the world. For this purpose, we invest ourselves, take risks, are involved. If we seek a deceptive security in our little practices, in immobility, we bury a hole in the ground, we bury ourselves, we opt for death, we are devalued. Do we use our God-given talents as a capital not merely to be proud of, but to bear interest for God's plans with us and the world?


General Intercessions

- That all people may share in the earth's resources in justice, friendship and peace, we pray:
- That inspiring homes and good educators may equip our young people to place their potentials in the service of the Church and of our people, we pray:
- That women may take with honor their rightful place in the Church and in the world; that their talents of cordiality, tact and sensitivity may warm this harsh world with gentleness, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
in these gifts of bread and wine
we place ourselves and all you have made us,
that you may return them to us
as the body and blood of your Son.
Accept us with Jesus and make us
with him give ourselves to one another
in the poverty and riches of our existence.
May we thus give shape to your kingdom
through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
through the gift of your Son Jesus Christ
you have made us capable
of sowing the seeds of your life and love.
Grant that when you ask for an account
of what we have done with our lives,
we may hear from your own lips
that we have been good and faithful servants
who did much with the little we had
and that we may enter your joy for ever.


Every one of us has received from God one's own particular gifts. That you may be good servants of what God has entrusted to you, whether much or little, may almighty God bless you, he Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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