Liturgy Alive Thursday, September 28, 2023

Thursday, September 28, 2023


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you came to make all things new
through Jesus Christ, your Son.
Let him question us
and let us question ourselves
whether we give him in our lives
the place he deserves.
Make him the meaning
of all we are and do,
for he is our risen Lord for ever.

First Reading Introduction

The Edict of Darius let the Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem. Much reconstruction was waiting for them, but those who had remained in the land feared to be dispossessed of the land they had occupied in the meantime. The prophet Haggai reprimanded the returnees for building luxurious houses for themselves, while the temple still lay in ruins. Was this perhaps not the reason why there were many natural disasters?

Gospel Introduction
Herod, too, was puzzled about this man Jesus. He wanted to see this strange prophet about whom there were so many rumors. Does Jesus, do the gospel and life and our faith puzzle us? Are we in constant search of the deeper meaning of our Christian life?

General Intercessions

- Lord, keep us always searching to understand you and our gospel better, we pray:

- Lord, let our faith be a light that makes us see the meaning of our lives, we pray:

- Lord, make us patient with those who are lax in their faith, that we may not extinguish the smoldering wick, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
through these offerings of bread and wine
your Son will appear in our midst
as the Lord of life.
Let him touch our hearts,
that we may fully believe in him
and that we may be alive
with the life he brought us.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God our Father,
we know Jesus, your Son:
he has spoken to us
and shared his table with us.
Make us anxious
to see and recognize him
in the events of life
and in the people around us,
that life may not be empty and vain
but ever beautiful and new
in Jesus Christ our Lord.


Is everything really in vain? Is there no meaning in life? In moments of doubt and questioning, we ask ourselves perhaps this question. But then we remember we are people of faith, and our faith and our life are very meaningful. Let God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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