Liturgy Alive Our Lady of the Rosary

Friday, October 13, 2023

October 7


The opening words of the Hail Mary, which are taken from the words of the angel and of Elizabeth to Mary, point out the place of Mary in the history of salvation: she is chosen by God to give Christ to the world. This is why in the rosary, we meditate on the mysteries of Christ, in which Mary was his associate. With her, we too, have to let God's Word become flesh and blood in us and in others.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God
you let Jesus, your Word, become one of us
and gave him to the world
through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
With her, may we give shape
to the living Word of Jesus
by making him come to life
in our words and deeds
and bringing his hope and peace,
his forgiveness and joy to the world,
for he is our Lord for ever.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
placed herself with all she was and had
in the service of your Son.
Through this bread and wine,
we commit ourselves
to your Son and his work.
Accept our offering
and confirm us in our purpose
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
your Word became flesh in Mary;
your Word became flesh among us
here in this Eucharist.
With the help of the prayers
of the woman full of grace,
let us become a free gift of grace
to all whom we encounter,
that Jesus Christ may live among us,
now and for ever.

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