Liturgy Alive 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, November 12, 2023


Greeting (See Second Reading)

We believe that Jesus died and rose again
and that those who have died in Jesus
will be brought to life with their Lord.
May Jesus, the Lord of life,
be always with you all.
R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

When they hear that they have to be vigilant and ready for the Lord's coming, many people think that they have to be ready for death so as not to be caught unaware. Much more than this is meant. We have to learn to meet the Lord now in the many ways he comes to us: as our companion on the road of life, in our neighbor, in our prayer, in the celebration of the eucharist. These will prepare us for the final encounter. Let us pray the Lord that he make us attentive to his constant presence among us.

Penitential Act

If only we had been more aware
how often we meet the Lord in life!
Let us ask him to forgive us.
Lord Jesus, you seem absent
when we struggle with suffering,
but you are there with your strength:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Jesus Christ, often we forget you
in the cares of everyday life,
but you are there with us:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, we neglect to care for you
in our sick and neglected brothers and sisters,
but you want us to serve you in them:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Forgive us all our sins, Lord,
and make us look for your presence.
Walk with us and lead us
to the feast of everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray for union with our Lord
on earth and in heaven
Lord God, our Father,
you want us to encounter your Son
here on earth as our companion in life.
Keep us always awake and responsive to his love,
which he offers us in the eucharist,
in his forgiveness, in the events of life,
in our brothers and sisters he entrust to us.
Let him be our peace in our tensions,
our joy even when we suffer,
our life and happiness beyond death.
Let him admit us to your lasting feast of joy,
for he is our Lord for ever and ever. R/ Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction: Those who seek God's wisdom will find it
God's wisdom, that which tells us how to live according to God's ways and to be happy, is easy to find for those who look for it. In fact, if we are open to him, God and his wisdom will look more for us than we for God.

Second Reading Introduction: Those who die in Christ will rise

The Thessalonians are worried about their dead. If they have died before the return of Christ, how can they be saved? Paul tells them: if they have died in union with Christ, they will rise from the dead and live forever.

Gospel Introduction: Ready to meet the Lord

Christians should not take their faith for granted. They should be vigilant and work in hope for the return of Christ. The Lord will certainly come but we do not know when.

General Intercessions

We are not like those who have no hope, for we have a Savior who rose from the dead. We look forward to him in hope as we pray: R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.
- For our pope, bishops and priests, that they may constantly remind God's people of the eternal dimension of life and lead us with wisdom, patience aand vigilance, let us pray: R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.

- For the young, that they may remain critical of mediocrity in their own lives and yet keep hoping and building toward a new and better world, let us pray: R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.

- For those in danger of death, that they may not fear or despair but com-mit themselves in hope to the Lord who has overcome death; for old people, that in peace and serenity they may prepare to meet the Lord face to face, let us pray: R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.

- For those discouraged and wounded by life, that they may not grow bitter and that from our presence and friendship they may draw fresh strength and hope, let us pray: R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.

- For our beloved dead, that they may live in the joy of the Lord, let us pray. R/ Lord of glory, in you we hope.

Lord Jesus Christ, you alone know the day and the hour of all things and every person. Do not let the cares of the day close our hearts to yur coming. Meet us now and in the joy that lasts for ever. R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we, your people on the march,
bring before you this bread and wine
as an offering and a prayer
that your Son Jesus may go with us our weary way
and sustain us in faith and hope.
Let him fill each of our days
with deeds of goodness and wisdom.
And may this meal of the eucharist prepare us
to share in your feast that lasts forever. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Christ among us in the eucharist is the pledge that one day we will enjoy with him the happiness of heaven. With him we now thank God our Father.

Invitation to the Lord's Prayer

As people of hope,
we pray to our Father in heaven
the prayer of Jesus our Lord.
: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us, Lord, from our carelessness
which in the day's routine makes us forget
the purpose for which you have made us.
Keep us free from sin
and give us wisdom and foresight
to prepare in joy and hope
for encountering your Son.
May we be ready to meet without fear
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
R/ For the kingdom..

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus, the Lamb of God
who died and rose again.
He meets us now with all solicitude,
that we may encounter him with joy
when he appears in glory.
R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

God of our hope and joy,
we are sure we have encountered your Son Jesus
in this eucharistic celebration.
We have recognized his voice;
he has nourished us with the bread of himself.
Let Jesus himself be the lamp
that shines brightly on our life
and make us always hear his voice
crying out to us in our needy brothers and sisters,
that he may find us ready when he comes
to gather us into the feast of your kingdom
that lasts for ever and ever. R/ Amen.


In the presence of the Lord
we have reflected on his words
about the wisdom of vigilance.
What are we, foolish or wise?
Probably a bit of the two:
foolish when we sin,
wise when we are vigilant
and try to live a bit like Jesus
and to put his words into practice.

May almighty God keep you vigilant and wise
and bless you: the Father, and the + Son,
and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.

Go in the peace of the Lord,
and may he keep you always faithful. R/ Thanks be to God.

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