Liturgy Alive Monday, December 4, 2023

Monday, December 4, 2023

Opening Prayer

Lord God, Father of all, 
in your Son Jesus Christ 
you invite everyone and all to know and love you 
and to live in your unending peace. 
Keep alive in us the zeal 
to bring the light of your truth 
and the riches of your life and love to all, 
without any distinction 
of race, language or culture. 
May everyone on earth come to know you 
as the merciful Father of all 
through our brother and Savior, 
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Today's message speaks of universal salvation. Isaiah preaches that all are called to believe in God, to worship him, to live according to God's plans and laws, and to enjoy his peace. Jerusalem stands here for God's believing people.

Gospel Introduction

     The centurion's faith is remarkable. He is symbolic of the gentiles who will be called, for the kingdom is open to all, without any privilege of race or culture. With Christ, salvation has become available to anyone of good will.

General Intercessions

Let us pray that the Lord Jesus may be known and accepted by all. We say: Lord, hear our prayer.

- For people who drift through life without someone to believe in, that they may discover God and his Messiah, we pray:

- For the many cultures all over the world, that the gospel may enrich them, we pray:

- For peace and lasting friendship among nations, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, bread and wine 
food and drink, life and joy - 
these you have destined for all 
through your Son Jesus Christ. 
Let it be a life and a joy 
that cannot be taken away 
and that we can make real among us 
by the strength of him 
who is our food and drink, 
Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, God of the promise, 
you have nourished us 
with the body of your Son. 
By the strength of this food 
make us the body of your Son to the world, 
not on account of our merits 
but for the sake of what you do in us. 
Make visible in us 
the mercy and justice of Jesus Christ, 
that people may recognize his presence among us 
and through him give you all honor and praise 
now and for ever.


"Many will come from east and west and eat with us at the table of the kingdom." This is happening much in our day. Are we ready to respect and welcome them as equals with us before God? May almighty God bless you and them, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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