Liturgy Alive Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Opening Prayer

Father, God of the ever-new covenant,
you have tied us to yourself
with leading strings of lasting love;
the words you speak to us
are spirit and life.
Open our hearts to your words,
that they may touch us 
in the deepest of ourselves.
May they move us to serve you
not in a slavish way,
but as your sons and daughters
who love you and whom you have set free
through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
      At the dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem, King Solomon prayed to the Lord. He asked God to be always present in the temple for the sake of the covenant; thus, he would be available to people expressing their needs.

General Intercessions

– For the Church, that it may not replace the Gospel with rites and laws of human invention, but bring to people the freedom, the gentleness, and the light of Christ, we pray:
– For those who are upset by the changes in the Church, that they may learn to appreciate the attempts of God's people to understand and live our faith in a contemporary way that remains true to the Gospel, we pray:
– For us who share in the Lord's table, that we may learn from Jesus that love is the heart of the law and that true love knows how to serve, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord our God,
we bring before you our readiness
to respond to your love.
Strengthen us with the body and blood
of your Son Jesus Christ,
that with him, we may be dedicated to you
with our whole mind and heart,
and that we may be capable
of communicating your love and justice
to all those around us.
Grant this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
your Son has shared himself with us
in this Eucharistic celebration.
Give us his Spirit of strength, we pray you,
that we may also share in his attitude 
of openness to your will
and to the needs of people.
May we thus, fulfill more than the law
and serve you as your sons and daughters,
in whom you recognize Jesus Christ, 
your Son and our Lord for ever.


As grateful children of God, let us put our hearts in seeking in the commandments not of our will but the will of God, so that we do not ask what God orders us to do but simply how we can respond to his love and show that love to the people around us. May God bless you all: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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