Liturgy Alive Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday, March 1, 2024



Joseph suffered because his brothers were jealous. Yet later he would save them from famine. Jesus was rejected and died for our sins. He became the keystone for a new kingdom, for the life of all. And we? We want happiness without pain, without paying the price for it, though sacrifice and happiness are close relatives. If the grain of wheat does not die… We know this, but it’s too uncomfortable to put into practice if we are not forced by circumstances . . .

Opening Prayer

God, we do not want to die;
we want to live.
We want to be happy
but without paying the price.
We belong to our times,
when sacrifice and suffering are out of fashion.
God, make life worth the pain to be lived,
Give us back the age-old realization
that life means to be born
again and again in pain,
that it may become again
a journey of hope to you,
together with Christ Jesus our Lord.

General Intercession

– For those who are betrayed in their friendship and trust, we pray:
– For street children and young people abandoned and neglected by their families, we pray:
– For all those who suffer in their bodies and for those seriously ill, that they may find strength and consolation in the cross of our Lord, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our God,
we celebrate your Son's victory over death.
Through him, you give us life
and teach us to accept death.
Lord, help us to love life
without refusing to suffer when necessary
for the sake of love and renewal.
May we see the fear of death
and the urge for life
in the light of the life and death
of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, make us fully accept
the realities of life:
that there is no birth without pain,
no growth without effort,
no adulthood without struggle,
no wisdom without experience and practice.
God, raise us above ourselves,
that we may understand and accept
the wisdom of the cross
of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Joseph forgave his brothers and became a blessing to them. On the cross, Jesus brought us forgiveness and life and the beautiful sign of this was how he forgave those who had led him to the cross. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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