Liturgy Alive Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday, March 8, 2024

Date: Friday, 1 April, 2011
Year: I
Cycle: A
Season: Lent
Vestment: Violet
Psalter: Week III

Liturgical Calendar




Hos 14:2–10; Mk 12:28–34

Bible Diary ♦ Diario Bíblico





Many human endeavors fail because God is left out of the picture. Israel wanted to go her own way, relying on her resources and alliances with the mighty of the day. The mighty are toppled by mightier ones, and everything collapses. People today try to establish prosperity and happiness, but at the expense of others, with the force of arms or relying on gadgets, money, or palliatives. We cannot be saved without God. Salvation lies in the love of God and is expressed in the love of our neighbor. The rule of life of Christians is: Love God with your whole being, and your neighbor as yourself; see God in your neighbor and see also a bit of yourself in your neighbor.

Opening Prayer

Lord, our God,
all throughout history, people have experienced
that we cannot be happy
if we rely merely on our own insights and resources.
God, do not let us idolize
anything made with our own hands,
but may we humbly seek
justice, truth, and happiness
in cooperation and communion with you,
as you taught us through Jesus Christ,
who lives with you and the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.

General Intercessions

–    That Christians everywhere may not be people of legalism and outward observances, but people with a heart who do what they have to do and more, because they are God’s children, we pray:
–    That the nations of the world may respect and love one another and build peace and progress on the basis of justice and equitable sharing, we pray:
–    That our anemic and dried-up love may become rich and spontaneous, like a fresh breath of life and joy brightening the lives of those around us and a wordless song of praise to God, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, our God and Father,
we are gathered here for this Eucharist,
to celebrate the coming among us
of your life and love through your Son.
May our offering be the recognition
that you loved us
before we could love you.
Help us to express our grateful love to you
by extending our hands to all
who are called to be brothers and sisters
of Jesus Christ, our Lord and brother for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord, our God and Father,
you have broken for us
the life-giving bread of your Son.
By the strength of the Eucharist,
may we love you, our living God,
with all that is in us
and our neighbor far and near
as much as we love ourselves.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.


To love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself is much more important than any ritual sacrifices. It is true worship! May God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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