Liturgy Alive Fourth Sunday of Lent B

Sunday, March 10, 2024



It is by grace that we have been saved,
not by anything of our own,
but by a gift from God.
We are God's work of art,
created in Christ Jesus.
May the grace and light of the Lord Jesus
be always with you. R/ And also with you.

Introduction by the Celebrant

A. God Loved The World So Much… (Option 1)
If we were really aware how much God loves us, how could we remain indifferent or refuse God anything? If we deeply believe that he finds us lovable, how could we not put our trust in him? He does not force us: he just invites us: "Here is my love: would you like to accept me and my love? Would you like to share my love with others by loving them too?" What answer do we give God through Jesus? 

B. Looking Up To The Cross (Option 2)
In our churches and in most of our homes the crucifix is given a place of honor. Does that mean that we have to love crosses? No, but it says that we believe in our crucified Lord and that we love him dearly. He saved us by his cross and resurrection. He is the sign that God loved us so much that he gave us his only Son to bring us forgiveness and life and love. It is to Jesus on the cross that we look up for strength to bear the crosses that come to us in the difficulties of life. We also look up to him for joy and happiness on our pilgrim way and for unending life beyond death. With Jesus we now celebrate the memory of his sacrifice on the cross and of his resurrection.

Penitential Act

Let us ask forgiveness from the Lord
for the times we have refused his love
or remained indifferent to it.
Lord Jesus,
your Father loves us with so much love
that he gave you to us:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

Jesus Christ, your Father sent you
not to condemn us
but to save us and all people:
Christ, have mercy. R/ Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you want us to bring to others
the great love with which you love us:
Lord, have mercy. R/ Lord, have mercy.

God, we rely on your love
to forgive us all our sins.
Renew us in your love
and lead us to everlasting life. R/ Amen.

Opening Prayer

Let us pray to our Father
who brought us to life with Christ
Loving and gracious Father,
you still love the world so much
that you keep giving it Jesus your Son.
May his cross be to us the sign
that you are with us
in days of misery and pain.
May we look up to him and learn from him
to open our hands and hearts to one another
and to give ourselves with our gifts.
May this help the world to see your light
and to accept the Son you have given us,
Jesus Christ, our Lord for ever. R/ Amen.

General Intercessions

Let us pray with the fullest confidence to God, our merciful Father, who loved us so much as to give us his Son Jesus Christ, and let us say:R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
• For the pope, bishops, priests and religious, that they may effectively preach the redeeming value of the cross, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
• For the whole community of the Church, that it may truly become God's sign of love, hope, and forgiveness, to all people we pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
• For the leaders of nations and for all leaders in politics and trade, that by their concern for justice and peace they may serve the happiness of all, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
• For the many who are uprooted today: victims of war and oppression, prisoners, migrants, and the homeless, that they may find hope in our concern for justice and feel the warmth of our love in our commitment to better their lot, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
• For us gathered here and for all Christian communities, that the goodness and love of Jesus may be alive and visible in us because God has been good to us, let us pray: R/ Have mercy on your people, Lord.
Lord our God, day after day we experience your incredible love. Hear our prayers and make us worthy of your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

God our Father
we bring before you the stale bread
of our cowardice and helplessness
and the sour wine of our sins.
As we join Jesus in his sacrifice,
let them become bread of grace and strength
and the wine of joy and hope.
Let your Son stay with us
to widen and deepen our love
and to go with one another
the way of friendship and life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

We now celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus: he was lifted up on the cross for us. He is the Father's gift to us. Let us give thanks to the Father.

Introduction to the Lord's Prayer

Thankful for the love he showed us in Jesus,
we now pray to the Father with all trust
the prayer of Jesus our Lord: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord, from our sins,
from our cowardice and fear of changing
and of defending the weak.
Reassure us that you are with us
in our struggles and temptations
and that your grace can overcome all evil.
Let us go forward without fear
and prepare the full coming among us
of the kingdom of goodness and mercy
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is Jesus Christ, God's own Son,
who was raised on the cross
to save us and to give us life and light.
Happy are we to receive him. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Patient and merciful God,
you do not condemn us
but raised up Jesus your Son
above us and among us
to lift us up from our guilt and sorrow.
With him, and in gratitude to you
let us be grace and goodness to one another.
Help us to lift up the fallen and brokenhearted,
to bind their wounds
and to let them become fully human and free
as your sons and daughters
in Jesus Christ our Lord. 
R/ Amen.


God has been very good to us.
All we touch is grace from him.
We have again experienced his great love
in this Eucharistic celebration.
With Jesus among us,
can we do anything less than try
to make this love tangible to one another,
particularly to those in need and sorrow?
Let God's goodness shine in you
with the blessing of the almighty and loving God:
the Father, and the Son, and Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Go in the strength of the Lord
and carry each other's burdens. R/ Thanks be to God.

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