Liturgy Alive Saturday, March 16, 2024

Saturday, March 16, 2024


It is hard for a person who “has been seduced by God,” as Jeremiah says, to be rejected by the very community to which one has dedicated one’s life, and before, which one bears witness to the spiritual. He is a source of division. So was Jesus. Are we willing to take the risk of being a Christian, of being signs of contradiction with Christ? If we can, it will surely hurt. We will be contradicted and ridiculed. Can we accept this with equanimity? It has become our responsibility when we were baptized.

Opening Prayer

Almighty God,
when people encountered your Son,
he became a source of division:
he affected their lives
one way or another.
May we accept him fully
and empty ourselves to make room for him
in our everyday life, even when it hurts.
Help us, that with him,
we may always seek and do your will.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.

General Intercessions

–    That we may accept with serenity when we are contradicted or ridiculed because of our faith, we pray:
–    That all those who suffer may put themselves into the hands of God, we pray:
–    That Christians may always take side in favor of what is right and good, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

God, our Father,
your Son came among us
to live before our eyes
the life of a loving Son
and a faithful servant.
He is now here in our midst.
Like him Lord,
may we not seek popularity
or peace at any cost.
So, we ask you to give us the courage
to go against the current of opinions
when faithfulness to you demands it.
We ask you this through Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God, to be faithful to you
and honest with ourselves,
is not always comfortable.
Neither was it for your Son, Jesus.
We pray to you today:
May our hardships and misunderstandings
not fill us with bitterness,
but may they be useful in a small way
to bring life and hope
to us and to our neighbor,
as we are united with Jesus,
your Son and our Lord for ever.


If we are contested because of our faith and its implications, may God give us the insight and strength not to be afraid but to bear witness to the Lord and to do what is right and good. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

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