Liturgy Alive Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (B)

Sunday, March 24, 2024



Introduction by the Celebrant

A. Come, Let Us Go With Him (Option 1)
All those who grow plants, even people in the city who love flowers, know that seeds have to die in the soil so that shoots can sprout from them and give us colorful flowers. The seed has to die to give life. In the same way, Jesus died to give us life. And we, his disciples today, have to follow in his footsteps. We have to give ourselves so that others may be happy and live. St. Paul says with Jesus: "No one lives for oneself." Can we say the same of ourselves?

B. Where Do We Stand? (Option 2)
It is not reasonable to look for pain and suffering, yet we know that in life there are certain pains we have to accept in line with our tasks in life – a woman has to pass through birth pangs to bring a child into the world; parents sacrifice themselves for their children; nurses dedicate themselves to lighten the pains of the sick. Yes, the seed has to die in the furrows to give life to a new plant. Today Jesus invites us to follow him in accepting the pain and efforts needed in carrying out our task in life.

Prayer of Blessing

Let us ask forgiveness from the Lord
for the times we h

Penitential Act

Let us pray
Our saving God,
your Son Jesus called himself the green wood,
for he is the tree on which we are grafted
so we can receive from him the sap of life.
Let these green branches express
that we are united with him
and want to live in him
as the people he sets free from sin
and makes alive with love
for you, our God, and for people.
Bless + these living branches,
that we may wave them to acclaim him
as the Lord we want to follow
all the way to you, our living God
and that he may keep us 
from withering as dry, useless wood.
For he is our Lord and Savior for ever. R/ Amen.

The priest sprinkles the branches with holy water in silence.

GOSPEL OF THE PALM BLESSING• Mk 11:1-10: Blessing On Him Who Comes
Jesus accepts that the crowd honors him, but his real triumph will come on the cross.

Now a brief homily may be given. Then the priest or a minister invites the people to join the procession:
With the people of Jerusalem
we acclaim Jesus as our Lord
and follow him while we sing his praise.
Song: The procession song serves also as Entrance Song.
 After the procession or solemn entrance, the priest prays immediately the Opening Prayer. If there is no procession or solemn entrance, the usual Penitential Act of the missal is said.


Opening Prayer

Let us pray that we may follow Jesus
on his road of service.
God our Father,
in Jesus your Son you have shown us
that the road that leads to victory
is the way of loving service
and willingness to pay the price of sacrifice
for faithful, unswerving love.
Give us the mentality and attitude of Jesus,
that we may learn to serve with him
and to love without counting the cost.
May we thus become victorious with him
who is Lord for ever and ever.R/ Amen.

General Intercessions

We pray now to our Lord Jesus who in his deep love went all the way and saved us by his death and resurrection. Let us say: R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, by the food and drink of the Eucharist, accompany us on the road of life, be our strength and joy, we pray you: R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, by your agony in the garden assist all the dying in their hour of struggle and give to all the courage to do the Father's will, especially when it is very difficult, we pray you:R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, by your unjust imprisonment and condemnation remember those jailed for their convictions or condemned by corrupt judges, we pray you: R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, betrayed and deserted by your friends, be near to all those who are lonely; give your people the capability of making friendships, we pray you: R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, by your way of the cross, lighten the burdens of all who suffer and make them mild and understanding of others, we pray you: R/ Lord, heal your people.
• Jesus, by your death on the cross and your glorious resurrection forgive all sin, give life to all, we pray you:R/ Lord, heal your people.
Lord Jesus, let the flow of your forgiveness and life come down on all of us and bring us your lasting joy and happiness in your kingdom that will stand for ever. 
R/ Amen.

Prayer over the Gifts

Loving Father,
on the night before he died
Jesus gave himself to his friends
in the form of bread and wine,
as he again does now, here among us.
Give us grateful hearts for all his goodness
and make us strong enough
to give ourselves with him
to those with whom we go through life.
Let this offering bring us reconciliation
with one another and with you.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Jesus' cross and death brought us forgiveness and life. He died, that we might live. With Jesus we thank the Father for his love.

Introduction to the Lord's Prayer

Jesus prayed to the Father
for the strength to do his will.
We join him in his prayer of trust: R/ Our Father...

Deliver Us

Deliver us Lord from sin
and from every evil,
and grant us your forgiveness and peace.
In your mercy, give hope and love
to those who are abandoned
and agonizing because of their crosses.
Lead us all forward in hope
toward the full coming among us
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
R/ For the kingdom...

Invitation to Communion

This is the Lamb without sin
who suffered and died for our sins.
Happy are we that he comes to us
to let us share in his life. R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Loving Father, in this Eucharist
your Son Jesus has given himself to us
as he gave himself totally on the cross.
May we learn from him
to keep our hope in you alive
and to continue going our way in life
also when we do not know
what will come to us in the future
or when we have to bear heavy crosses.
For we trust you, and we know
that we will rise above our miseries
to a life of joy without end,
by the power of Jesus Christ our Lord. 
R/ Amen.


In Jesus we have seen today
how love of God and love of people
go inseparably hand in hand.
Jesus' love for the Father
made him go "all the way" in his love for us.
He died in carrying out that mission,
and in his death we are reborn.
Let this thought guide us this Holy Week
and inspire our Christian living too:
He is the Master and Lord whom we follow.
May God give you strength and bless you:
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.
Go with one another
the way of Jesus our Lord. R/ Thanks be to God.

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