Liturgy Alive Wednesday of Holy Week

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


Today, we hear the bad news of the betrayal of Judas, together with the sad yet joyous good news of Jesus’ Passover meal with his disciples. “My time is near. I will keep the Passover with my disciples.” Jesus will eat the Passover meal surrounded by those who have followed him. The traitor leaves them to betray Jesus. But Jesus, the Servant of God and people, faces his death with the fullest trust in God. Jesus will celebrate this Passover in a new way making it the Eucharist. This is like a testament that he leaves to his disciples. It is the deepest way that he is going to stay among his disciples then and now.

Opening Prayer

God, our Father,
when the hour of your Son, Jesus, had come
to accept suffering and death
out of love of you
and his saving love for us,
he did not refuse that suffering and deep pain.
In the hour of trial,
that we may have to pass through,
do not let us become rebellious
but keep us trusting in you,
for you save us
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

General Intercessions

Let us join our prayers to those of the Lord Jesus, as we say: Lord, hear your people.
–    For all those whose love had been betrayed or rejected, we pray:
–    For the people who are facing death, that they may trustingly put themselves into the Lord’s hands, we pray:
–    For all who suffer and face difficult decisions, that God may be their strength and inspiration, we pray:
–    For all Christians, that they may seek the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, we pray:
Lord, stay with us. We love you, now and for ever.

Prayer over the Gifts

Praise be to you, eternal God,
for you invite us to the table of your Son.
Let us, Jesus’ disciples today,
eat his bread of love and strength
and drink his wine of gladness,
that our trust in you may never fade
and that we love one another
in good days and in times of pain.
We ask you this, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Our Saving God,
a new world could be born,
when Jesus laid down his life for us
and left us the sign that you have made with us
a new and everlasting covenant.
Thank you for letting us celebrate,
in memory of him,
that sacrifice which brought us life
and unites us in him.
All thanks and praise to you
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


It is good to be with the Lord this Holy Week. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on the immense love with which God loves us. How do we answer his total love? How much do we echo and mirror it to the people around us? Especially you, parents, how much do you make your children feel God’s love in you? May Almighty God bless you all, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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