Liturgy Alive Holy Saturday

Saturday, March 30, 2024



Introduction by the Celebrant

When there was sin, the world was in the grip of darkness. We celebrate tonight how Jesus came in that darkness to bring us the light of God's love by his death and resurrection. Now a new era could begin for the world and for all of us. This is why we light the fire, for Jesus came to light in us the fire of his love and hope. Let its flames leap up high in us and make us fervent. We kindle the light and profess that Jesus Christ is our light and the light of the world. We follow him and ask him to make us lights on the path of others. What a joy for us!



Introduction by the Celebrant
Renewal of Baptismal Vows

Brothers and sisters in Christ: On this beautiful night we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. By dying he destroyed death for us, by rising he has affirmed our life. In baptism we have died with him to sin but we have not yet won all our struggles against evil and God's life in us has not yet come to full bloom. This is why the Church invites us again to reject what is against the covenant of love and to promise, as we did in baptism, to live according to its law of service and goodness. We renew therefore our baptismal promises. And so:
Do you reject...
Do you believe...

General Intercessions

Note: Where the Litany of the Saints has been used at baptism and/or the blessing of the font, it serves as General Intercessions. Otherwise:

Let us pray to God our Father, who has raised Jesus from the dead, and let us say: R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.
- For those who have been baptized tonight and for all Christians, that they may remain faithful to their baptismal promises in all circumstances of life, let us pray:R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.
- For all who suffer and for the dying that their hope and strength may be Jesus, who, through and beyond death, has built a road to new life, let us pray: R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.
- For all those whose experiences have discouraged or disillusioned them in life, that they may not remain obsessed by the past but look forward to the future with its new prospects and opportunities, let us pray: R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.
- For all those who have committed themselves to serve the needs of others, that they may keep faith in a better world in which peace and justice are not empty words, let us pray: R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.
- For all of us gathered here in the joy of Easter, that we may be happy and jovial people who know that God loves us with an enduring love and that we may radiate this love to one another, let us pray: R/ Lord, raise us up with your Son.

Our God and Father, you call us your sons and daughters and that is what we really are. Make us gratefully cooperate with you in the works of your creating and serving love, so as to look forward in hope to the happiness without end promised us in Jesus Christ our Lord. R/ Amen.


Introduction by the Celebrant

To conclude our feast of life and joy, we sit at table with the Lord Jesus and let him nourish us with himself as the food of life and the wine of joy on our journey to our promised land. It is our meal of the new and everlasting covenant with Jesus. If we entrust ourselves to him, we cannot fail in our new life.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord, God of life,
you gather us around this table
to celebrate the Easter meal
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Accept with this bread and this wine
the prayers and offerings of your people.
Make our faith firm,
that your Son may continue
to live in us and to lead us to you,
our living and loving God for ever. R/ Amen.

Introduction to the Eucharistic Prayer

Let our joy brim over in this eucharist as we give thanks to the Father for having saved us by the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Invitation to the Our Father

Sons and daughters of the Father through baptism,
let the joy of the Spirit cry out in us
in Jesus' own words: R/ Our Father...

Invitation to Communion

This is our risen Lord, who said
and says again to us this night:
"I am the bread of life.
Those who eat my flesh and drink by blood
have eternal life and I live in them."
With this faith, come to the table of the Lord: 
R/ Lord, I am not worthy...

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, our Father,
with joy we have shared 
in the Easter meal of your Son.
Through his body and blood you have assured us
that we are destined for eternal life
and that this life is already astir in us.
Keep filling us with the Spirit of your love,
that we may live in the joy of your one people,
one in heart and mind,
and living for one another and for you,
our God for ever and ever. R/ Amen.


What an experience of joy
if we have really relived tonight
what we have become through Jesus' resurrection.
May we keep living in the hope and happiness
of a people that is risen above sin and evil
and live for all that is good and beautiful.
May the almighty and loving God bless you all:
the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. R/ Amen.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, alleluia, alleluia.
R/ Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia.




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