Liturgy Alive Monday, Octave of Easter

Monday, April 1, 2024



Often we blame the community and “the system” for the evils of society and for the sins we commit. This shrugging off of responsibility is a timeless device of escape. Christ dealt with it and so did Ezekiel before him. Ezekiel tells us: you are personally responsible for your sins and you must repent; if so, God takes you back in his love. Jesus tells us: not the law but your personal attitude and intention counts. True worship does not consist in private, self-centered religious practice but in being committed to Christ’s task of reconciliation and service of people.

Opening Prayer

God of mercy and compassion,
you challenge us to be responsible
for the good and the evil we do
and you call us to conversion.
God, help us to face ourselves
that we may not use flimsy excuses
for covering up our wrongs.
Make us honest with ourselves,
and aware that we can always count on Jesus Christ
to be our guide and strength on the road to you,
now and for ever.


General Intercessions

- For all the newly-baptized, that they may keep growing nearer to the risen Lord, we pray:
- For missionaries, that they may proclaim to all willing to listen that Jesus is the risen Lord, who raises us above our selfishness and limitations, we pray:
- For all of us, that we may be joyful people, firm in our faith, because we have a Lord who has overcome evil and death, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

it is a real joy for us
that your Son Jesus has invited us
to sit at table with him.
Let him again break for us
the bread of himself
and let him make us a people of joy and hope
who live close to Jesus
and close to our brothers and sisters,
as we are bound together
by the life and love of Jesus Christ,
our risen Lord, now and for ever.

Prayer after Communion

Lord God, 
your Son Jesus has spoken to us
his word of greeting that takes away our fears
and that fills us with joy.
He has nourished us at his table
with the warmth of his loving presence.
Give us now the inspiration
to let our whole life bear witness to him,
say that we believe in his message of hope
and that he is the center and meaning of our life.
For he is Jesus, our living Lord,
now and for ever.


Do not be afraid. Tell your brothers and sisters that the Lord is risen and alive. Let him also be alive in our communities, in our joy, our faith, our readiness to serve and love. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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