Liturgy Alive Thursday, Octave of Easter

Thursday, April 4, 2024



We gather for our eucharist because we firmly believe that Christ died for us and is risen from the dead. We gather around the risen Lord to open our hearts and minds to his word and to let him fill us with his living presence. He tells us, as he told his apostles: "Look, it is really I; listen to me; touch me in the food and drink of the eucharist." Thus, in our assemblies we proclaim the risen Christ and bear witness to him. But this faith must find expression in our everyday Christian living: since Christ is risen, he must rise in us; we must become new people in whom Christ is alive. We must bear witness to him with the whole of our lives.

Opening Prayer

Almighty God and Father,
Jesus died for us on the cross
and you raised him from the dead.
We have not seen the marks of the nails in his hands
nor touched the wound in his side,
but we believe that he is alive
and present here among us.
Open our hearts to his word
and let us touch him in the bread of the eucharist,
that he may raise us above our sins
and change us into new people.
May we thus bear witness to your risen Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.

General Intercessions

- That in the name of the risen Lord the Church may raise up its members and even outsiders to a new and better life, we pray: 
- That the risen Lord may give us peace and serenity of heart, that in him we have someone to live for and to make our lives meaningful, we pray:
- That the risen Lord may give peace to our Christian communities through the certainty that he stays with us and breaks for us the bread of the eucharist, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Living Father,
with bread and wine we celebrate
the presence of your Son in our midst
here around this table and in the life of every day.
Let us experience him here as your great gift to us
and let him stay with us
in our never-ending quest
to be your people trying to live the risen life
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

God of life and saving love,
we have enjoyed the presence of your Son among us
for we have been together in his name,
he has spoken to us his words of life
and we have shared his table.
May he live on in our community
by our attentive presence to one another,
our common faith expressed in deeds
of love and service, of gratitude and compassion,
by our efforts to create a better world
where there is justice and hope for all.
May we thus journey together to you
and bear witness that Christ is our Lord
now and for ever.


"Peace be with you," says Jesus to us. It is really he who lives among us. Let us touch him in our prayer, in our closeness to him, and may almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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