Liturgy Alive Tuesday of the 6th Week of Easter

Tuesday, May 7, 2024



The life of Christ, which the community of Christ leads, the mentality of Christ alive in the Church, will bear witness against the world in as far as it is still unredeemed and full of evil. The world accuses Christ to be a sinner, finds him guilty in its trial as an unjust man and condemns him. But who is the sinner? Who is found guilty? Who is condemned? Not Christ but the world. Who will prove this? The Spirit of Christ alive in the Church. If the Church lives the life of the just Christ, the works of the world will stand out as unjust, and the life of Christ led by Christians will be a condemnation of the world and its powers of evil.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
you demand much of us, your Church,
by calling us to be witnesses
of your Son and of his message,
although we are men and women
who share in the sin of the world.
Send us your Holy Spirit
to open us all the time
to renewal and conversion,
that your Church may show to the world
the true face of Jesus Christ
your Son and our Lord for ever.

General Intercessions

- That the people of God may keep thanking God that he has given us the grace to believe in him and in Jesus Christ and his gospel, we pray:
- That the Holy Spirit may help us discern how much untruth and injustice there is still in our world and give us the boldness to testify in favor of the truth and the goodness of the gospel, we pray:
- That we may believe that the Holy Spirit will guide our lives on the ways of Christ and his gospel, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God,
here are bread and wine,
your gifts to us and our offerings to you
to be transformed into Christ.
Send us the Spirit of your Son,
that people who sit at this table
may also become living signs 
of Christ's presence among us
by our sharing with one another
and giving to the world the bread of justice.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
you have entrusted to us, your people,
the task of continuing the mission of your Son
of redeeming the world.
Send us the Holy Spirit of your Son
to make us credible witnesses:
men and women who live first
what we want others to accept and live,
men and women to whom
your Son is a real person and a way of life.
We ask you this through Christ our Lord.


Christ gives the Holy Spirit to guide each of us and the whole Church in the ways of the gospel. He will help us to bring the gospel to the world by making us understand the message of Christ and giving us the discernment and the strength to communicate it to the world of today. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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