Liturgy Alive Mary, Mother of the Church

Monday, May 20, 2024

Mary, Mother of the Church

Opening Prayer

God, Father of mercy
whose only-begotten Son, nailed to the cross,
proclaimed as our Mother
his own Mother, Mary Most Holy
grant us, through her loving cooperation,
that your Church, becoming more fruitful each day,
may she rejoice in the holiness of her children
and draw to her bosom all the families of peoples.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit
and is God for ever and ever.


With the help of Mary, our Mother, let us pray united to our Father in heaven that he will look kindly upon us, his servants, and do great things in us. Let us say in response R/ Lord, listen to your people.

* That the Lord may show his love and mercy to all who strive to serve him faithfully and forgive those who have failed, both to him and to the brethren, let us pray to the Lord.

* That the Lord may show his power and defend the humble people, so often humiliated and trampled underfoot, and dispose us all to respect and love him, let us pray to the Lord.

* That the Lord may give us the will and the strength to carry out his Word in our lives, day by day, with decision and joy, let us pray to the Lord.

* That the Lord may make us aware of the poverty of our heart, filling it with his goodness, his welcome to people and his care and concern for the poorest and neediest, let us pray to the Lord.

* That the Lord may help us to see to it that the hungry receive nourishment and that he may inwardly dispose all people and the powerful of this world to share justly with each one the goods of the earth, let us pray to the Lord.

* May the Lord welcome all our departed loved ones into the house of eternal joy, we pray to the Lord.

Lord, our God: In memory of Mary, Mother of the Church, we pray to you: fill us with your good things, so that, with Mary, we may bless your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer over the Gifts

Receive, Lord, our offerings
and turn them into a sacrament of salvation,
by whose efficacy and by your loving intervention
and by the loving intervention
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church,
fill us with holy fervor and make us worthy of being more intimately associated with her
more closely associated with her in the work of redemption.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Having received this pledge of redemption and of life
we beseech you, O Lord, that your Church,
through the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin,
instruct all nations, proclaiming the Gospel to them.
and fill the whole world with the effusion of your Spirit.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


We, as Church, are called to be what Mary was and did on earth: to believe in God's ways and inspiration, even without knowing what the future holds, and to be open to the needs of others, serving everyone wholeheartedly. May Almighty God give you this strength and bless you abundantly: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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