Liturgy Alive Tuesday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tuesday, 13th Week in Ordinary Time


Opening Prayer
    Lord our God,
    you let your Son reassure us
    with a word of reprimand:
    "Why are you afraid, people of little faith?"
    Let that little faith grow in us
    and make us absolutely certain
    that you are with us in your creation,
    in the dark and in the night,
    in the wind and in the storm,
    even in the depths of death.
    For you are the God who said:
    "I am there for you,"
    now and for ever.

Liturgy of the Word

First Reading Introduction
Amos questions the people of God and asks them to give an account of how they have answered God's love

Gospel Reading Introduction
We have to recognize the Lord's presence and to keep trusting in him, when storms rage within us and in our world as they threaten to engulf us and make us ask: "Lord, where are you?" These may be the storms of temptation, of doubts and fears regarding the faith, of threatened loyalty. The winds of change too, may be howling typhoons tossing the bark of the Church around, before we can enter the calm waters of a renewed Church. The Lord is there, we should not be afraid.

General Intercessions

    – For the Church of Jesus Christ, that its faith and love may not waver in the difficulties and storms of our time, we pray:
    – For sailors and fishers, that the sea may be peaceful and generous to them; for all who travel, that they may safely reach their destination, we pray:
    – For ourselves, that we should never be afraid, for we know that Jesus is with us. That we may remain serene and in peace, we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts
    Lord our God,
    we have prepared this bread and wine
    to welcome your Son in our midst.
    May we also recognize his presence
    and keep relying on him
    in our human achievements.
    May no success, however great,
    cause us to forget
    that without him we can do nothing,
    that this world is your creation
    and that we can be fully human only
    in Jesus Christ,
    who lives with you and with us for ever.

Prayer after Communion
    Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
    to whom else should we entrust ourselves
    than to Jesus, our God-with-us?
    Let him sail with us to brave the waves,
    and to face the heart of the storm.
    When he is with us,
    even when apparently asleep,
    let us no longer be afraid
    of committing ourselves to your sea,
    for we are sure Jesus will lead us
    to your safe harbor of peace for ever.

"Why are you afraid, people of little faith?" Let us entrust ourselves wholeheartedly to the Lord. With him, we can overcome all difficulties. May Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

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