Liturgy Alive Tuesday 17th Week in Ordinary Time

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Saint IGNATIUS of LOYOLA, Priest
Memorial  July 31


While recuperating from a wound incurred as a soldier, Ignatius read the lives of saints because there was nothing else to read. He reflected further on the purpose of his life, made pilgrimages, and decided to serve God.
The "company" he founded was to be at the disposal of the Pope to serve the most urgent contemporary needs of the Church. In his time the Jesuits were instrumental in counteracting heresies, reforming the Church, and starting overseas missions. To him, action was always to be based on reflection and prayer. This is sound advice also to us today.

Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
like St Ignatius we have accepted your invitation
to follow you Son Jesus as his disciples
and to do everything we do
for your greater honor and glory.
Give us the strength of your Spirit
not to seek ourselves
and to accept our task in life
with all its consequences.
For we are certain Jesus will lead us to you,
our loving God for ever and ever.

Prayer over the Gifts

Lord God, our Father,
in this eucharist may the Lord Jesus
bring us so close to him
that he makes us willing to accept from him
any task you want to give us.
Let service to the Church and its needs
be our main preoccupation
and may we always render this service
for the greater glory of God.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.

Prayer after Communion

Lord our God,
in the eucharist you have enlightened us
with the word and the body of Jesus.
Let Jesus give us his Spirit of discernment
that we may see clearly the task ahead of us
and commit ourselves to it with wisdom
and total dedication,
without hesitation or fear.
For it is your work we do,
our living 
God, for ever and ever.

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