Liturgy Alive Monday, August 5, 2024

Monday, August 5, 2024


Opening Prayer

Lord our God,
there is a constant tension in us
between fear and faith
as we are battling with the winds and the waves
that threaten our faithfulness to the gospel.
Make us accept, Lord,
that faith is never secure
or acquired once and for all.
Make it grow in us day after day,
that we may not be faint-hearted
but resolutely follow your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Introduction to the First Reading
       The prophet Jeremiah first reminds the people of the punishment for their infidelity, but then he opens the perspectives to a beautiful restoration, when Israel shall be again God's people and God will be their God.

Introduction to Gospel Reading
      The symbolism of the gospel narrative is very strong. Water is evil, which swallows up. Jesus, the Lord, is mightier. He invites the disciple and the whole Church to take the risk of faith of following him. Faith is insecure by itself; we have to pass through the storms of life between faith and fear. But the Lord is there, unseen: It is I, I am with you. Do not be afraid.


General Intercessions

- For the Church, when it has to pass through difficult moments of persecution, ridicule or inner conflict, that it may keep trusting in the Lord, we pray:

- For Christians beset by doubts or facing hard decisions of conscience, that they may see the hand Jesus extends to them, we pray:

- For people who have to do dangerous work, that the Lord may protect them we pray:

Prayer over the Gifts

You wish to reassure us,
Lord our God,
how much you are with us
through him who is our food and drink,
your Son Jesus Christ.
Through him, give us the power
to walk the stormy road of faith
and to take the risks of love,
that we may overcome our fears
and make his reassuring word
the foundation of our life and work
now and till the end of time.

Prayer after Communion

Our all-powerful God, 
you invite us through Jesus, your Son,
to leave our timid security
and to come across the water with him
in commitment to you and to our neighbor.
Even though we do not see his hand
put out to us and holding us,
give us enough faith to be certain
that with him we shall overcome
and build up your future in our human world,
until he leads us across to you,
our God for ever and ever.


"Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid," says Jesus. He is with us in our struggles, for he will never desert us. May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

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